
Between this and the jogger shitter, Colorado seems like a pretty crappy place.

Wow the shit really hit the fan there.

Just look at what happened to Tracy! He’s stuck in an infinite loop.

...and a $740 rear wiper delete.

Will it still have a $370 optional rear wiper?

Maybe she tripped and fell into it. I have a similar story from one time when I was vacuuming naked.

She looks exhausted.

For all the bullshit spewing from their mouths, that was an absolutely artful boulder drop onto a tiny target. Kudos to the bobcat operator.

You cod to be kidding me.

If you don’t care, why are you here?

Does this mean Mack has graduated from a coffee-running-copy-making intern to an oh-shit-the-intern-actually-knows-things intern?

Site isn’t too great on Safari either. I lost several beautiful comments, cause of the site reloading while I was typing. It’s not me I’m sad for, but all of you people denied my pure gold comments

Agreed, the Kinja on iOS Chrome was especially bad today.

So it’s basically the equivalent of trying to use this site on iOS and Chrome, only with sandwiches and a bar? I’m lucky I could post this because your site is so janky and overloaded with ads that this literally happens at least once every time I try to read an article.

Before you see crossover sedans vs. after you see crossover sedans

Dodge is kinda almost there

My favorite is British Dental White

I’m going to go with “two-tone brown” for most ‘70s paint color.