It’s the cars and coffee test.
It’s the cars and coffee test.
I would argue that the manual is ALWAYS more fun, regardless of the type of car.
Do we have to flip through a slide show to see other pictures of it?
Not sure how I would have responded in this situation but I think it’s funny you don’t post the whole video of what happened which might lead a reasonable person to a different conclusion and then labeling everyone else who doesn’t agree with you an asshole.
Yeah I understand and accept the editorial slant of this website despite not always agreeing with it.
It appears as though the powers that be at Jalopnik chose to hide/dismiss the most starred comment (at 120 stars) on this article despite being a respectable comment that happened to contradict the author. Copying and reposting it, because it deserves to be read and not stricken from the record being in contradiction…
Never heard of someone literally being kidnapped in their vehicle.
Lol, Jesus Christ, reality check on aisle 5.
Here’s why they won’t be charged:
From”Directly before the driver accelerated, his car was surrounded by protesters who asked him to go a different way, according to video taken by witnesses and posted to social media. One protester can be heard telling others to pop the SUV’s tires before the driver hits the gas.”
The tactic has previously been mostly used by extremist jihadist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda, as well as Palestinian militants.
FUCK Jalopnik readers who defend asshole mobs who attempt to drag people from their cars.
Seriously, FUCK Jalopnik readers who defend these assholes
When a police officer detains you against your will without charges, you sue his department under the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution and you get paid.
If they have zero legitimate reason to be in that area, they premeditated this and went specifically for a confrontation. Should be attempted vehicular manslaughter.
Your argument is exactly the same as saying “she dressed that way to get attention, what did she expect? She was asking for it.”
So your only argument is that he is uneducated because he has poor spelling, yet you didn’t even address the main issue of terrorists in the streets burning buildings, shooting cars and killing people. Um, ok.
Wait. So where do I get my map of where protesters are closing off streets so I know whether or not I have a “legitimate” reason to be in the area?
Ok Dodge. You know you have to do it. It’s the most ridiculous thing you have left.
Then Planet 9 is Elio Motors because we have yet to prove it exists.