
That. Is. Awesome. 10/10 Would eat.

There’s a place in Bellevue, WA. that can do good car cakes. This was my wedding cake. It was hot out, so there were some components failing by the evening, but no bad for frosting.

Oh, you thought we were going to have a moment to be all warm and cuddly about the kindness of strangers and the brotherhood of man?

Here’s a thought; maybe if we had a minimum wage that was a living wage, people who work hard wouldn’t have to rely on the kindness of strangers to afford a lower middle-class lifestyle.

This is nice, but three miles is nothing. Why must we keep lowering the bar on EVERYTHING?

Next they should teach the cameraman how to film horizontally.

did... did nobody check the dude’s schedule?

I think you’re confusing the 6-series Grand Coupe with the 6-series Gran Turismo

Ironic they would remove the manual transmission but keep the turn signal stalks.

Were you familiar with the original 3 before that show aired?

LOL. I love how he’s on the phone too.

Don’t think we’re completely impervious. When it’s not just a bus but three pillocks running people down and going on a stabbing and killing spree, we may briskly leave the area.

Got to hand it to the Brits, nothing stops them from drinking a pint.

I’ve woken up after a night at the bar feeling like I’d been hit by a bus, but this guy is taking it to another level.

I love her and her leading role in a B-movie action franchise is long overdue, but honestly they won’t care. If this franchise can survive the loss of Paul Walker is can survive her loss. After all, she’s not even in the one that made it a global phenomenon: Fast Five.

That’s not the same thing at all...powerful and quickest aren’t the same in any way.

They said most powerful. You said fastest, which is incorrect.

Couldn’t disagree more, it fits the shape and character of the body panels. Curvy Germans! Dat Ass!

What do you make of this monstrosity then?

Congratulations, Mr. Aldairion, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Miata which this lovely lady will deliver when she finishes popping up and down.