
Yeah, but you’re comfortable, your radio sounds good, and your car’s dash won’t rattle, ever.

I keep hope that one day men will be appreciated for their intellect, and not their big watches or curvy stereo equipment.

Must be nice to have a job, family, and personal and social life that doesn’t require you to ever be on time to anything.

Was it a penis or the GT-R LM?

Great question.

Guns are EXCLUSIVELY designed for killing. They were built to serve no other purpose.

put food on their table = kill animals

Sorry, but your “guns aren’t just for killing” argument is laughably weak. A gun’s ONLY reason for existing is to kill. Some people choose to use it for different purposes, but they’re no different than philatenists collecting stamps rather than using them as postage.

It is VERY different than a hammer or a knife. A gun is a tool that when used correctly and for its intended purpose kills someone. The ability to use other tools as weapons doesn’t change the fact that a gun’s raison d’être is to be used as a weapon.

In what sense? There’s a possibility that zero Americans will be killed by a pressure cooker bomb this year. There’s certainty that many thousands of Americans will be killed by firearms. It’s a little rich to present them as equivalent problems.

“ . . tainted the reputation of motorsports”, you say?

Over 30,000 people die from firearm deaths each year. The last pressure cooker bomb I’m aware of was the Boston Marathon, and that killed 3 people. I’m not sure when the last truck intentionally ramming into people incident was. I’m gonna go out on a limb though, and guess that NOT 30,000 people a year are dying from

I am not sure if you are joking...

Which is why I am totally in favor of people being able to buy landmines and c-4 and grenades at my local grocery store. I have the right to defend myself, and if landmines are outlawed, only outlaws will have landmines.

Yes , Ralphie, I do realize.

Today a gun was used.

But this isn’t terrorism. It was just a white guy who probably has a lot of mental health issues.

Jesus Christ, just outlaw baseball already.

Which Congressman dove on top of the 2nd amendment to make sure it was safe during the shooting?