Am I missing something here? It looks like a tasteless ruined Fiero-rrari and someone wants $100K for it. By what possible measure is this a NP? I thought this would be the biggest CP in history, but 40% of voters said NP. Is it an 80's kid thing? Am I too Millenial to understand? CP all the way.
I've seen this for sale here on Craigslist for about 3 years now. Price has never dropped. There's a reason no one has bought it.
Rocks are territorial motherfuckers.
Maybe Michael was stationary at the time of the accident and a territorial rock charged him?
Still no VR6? Still not interested.
Oh hey DISA, won't you come for me.
I've got a Vanos rattle and cracked-subframe under me
Then there are other classic songs like:
Oooo, the sensor died in the seat again
It must have been just fucking 'cause
and it's just outside of warranty
The more I look at this, the prettier it gets. This is truly a work of art. I am officially an Audi fanboi.
7 Months ago, I would have chosen the M3 without a moments hesitation.
"And yes, before you all start asking, it has a new LED light signature because it's a new car and it has to have that."
When I drive in the snow, I'm usually between 5000 and 6800 rpm...and sideways. Because donuts.