
Reminds me of a creepy encounter I had as I was leaving CVS a few years ago. It was so odd I just had to do a u-turn, following the “rabbit” inside the pharmacy to take photos.


You’re being really presumptuous by assuming that this man is mentally ill. Some people are just plain weird, with no mental illness.

Counterpoint: I will take a quiet nightmare baby doll over a passenger (of any age) playing music/watching a movie/playing a game without head phones. ANY TIME.

I hope she sues the fuck out of him and breaks his bank account.

Yeah, I didn’t mean for it to come off creepy, I just believe there’s a lot of good hearted guys out there but they’re tainted by the shitbags like this.

Are you having a laugh or do you lack the basic skills of reading comprehension? No where in that comment did the original poster say she was an object to be possessed. Jesus...

I think this commenter’s point is that she deserved to be treated well, and many men would have. I read this comment from the victim’s point of view, not the imaginary men’s.

Oh please, you barely even watched the show (watching the first 10 minutes of each episode and then spending the rest of it playing some Flappy Birds shit on your phone doesn’t count as watching, especially not for a paid reviewer), so how would you even know how pretentious it was.
I’m not some rabid Mr. Robot

“That is fair” is such a succinct way of saying, “hey little lady, I guess this cute lil opinion of your’s is acceptable to me, and that’s what matters.”

How anyone does this to someone so trusting and vulnerable is sickening. How many guys out there would have been ecstatic to leave with her? How many gentlemen are looking for this exact type of girl to treat flawlessly as long as she’ll have them?

So my sister doesn’t like seafood. Her in-laws love it...everything pulled from the ocean. Every time she visits, they give her a third degree on what is it that she doesn’t like about fish, to the point of a breakdown in understanding that others have a different “Taste”. It is clear from your reviews that you have

Counterpoint: no, it wasn’t.

For one, I’m glad the little boy is with the relatives. So the mother fights two years for custody and then shoots up in the car. Well, sorry, she does not deserve custody of her child. I know a woman that had sole custody of her son as the father was absent from her life. One day mom decided to get high and then died

Possibly the most offensive article that Jezebel has ever published.