
“Let’s have a LAUGH.” And that I did.

Alright then, I chose to find it hilarious and creepy as hell. Feel free to make your own choices and be uber-sensitive if that’s what makes you feel better and all. *shrug*

I don’t assume every bizarrely acting person out there has a mental illness. Maybe, maybe not...maybe he just has weird hobbies. I guess we could all err on the side of caution and assume everyone acting weirdly has a mental illness and be overly sensitive about it, but then we’d probably miss out on some entertaining

Of course its mocking, its fucking WEIRD and creepy. Sure there are “all kinds of people” out there. Doesn’t mean they’re absolved of being judged for bizarre abnormal behavior.

Its not “creepy as fuck”. I’m a woman and I found it to be fairly nice and well intentioned...maybe just a touch on the “creepy” side, but he obviously didn’t mean it in the way all you crazy people are taking it. I know we all try to be such hardcore feminists but sometimes you need to calm down and realize that not

Sorry you’re getting jumped on here. I thought the comment was sweet and had good intentions.