

The backstory to this custom Camaro can be found on Jezebel with the title: “Evil boyfriend causes sweet young lady to get calluses on her hands from hammer”

What is Texas?

These are rare as rare, Solstice GXP Coupes with manual transmissions.

-Doug Demuro

I think I saw a picture of a winter once. Might have been shopped though.

What is winter?

A few things for the rude geniuses among you.

Porsche has got you covered, the Targa has plenty of curve in its glass.

It may be a bit overdone by now, but it’s overdone for a reason.

Man who walks into airport sideways, going to Bangkok

Popovich/Duncan 2024

I’ve ridden one. It’s pretty cool, but it’s not the game changer that throwing the transfer case from 2Hi to 4Low on a 4WD truck is. It’s subtle and you don’t really notice it until you come out of a muddy corner and you realize the back isn’t kicking out as much because the front is helping pull. It certainly does

Bodum Bistro B.Over

Bodum Bistro B.Over

To a lot of people, the “track” is a drag strip. In which case, hell yeah it is.