Cheaper at walmart! 5 quart container 22 bucks 4.40 a quart vs 4.60
Cheaper at walmart! 5 quart container 22 bucks 4.40 a quart vs 4.60
Cheaper at walmart! 5 quart container 22 bucks 4.40 a quart vs 4.60
Cheaper at walmart! 5 quart container 22 bucks 4.40 a quart vs 4.60
I’m in.
Alissa Walker deserves to live in Montana for a year.
The same reasons why Gawker posts anything; to piss people off, so that they comment/share/etc., because that generates clicks, and clicks generate ad revenue, which is how Gawker makes their money.
It’s called a “Union”.
The #safespace mentality has ruined a generation’s understanding of the right to freedom of speech and opinion. The militia-esque PC culture immediately labels people as bigots, attacks them, and calls for their lives to be ruined if they say something that offends them.
Here’s an idea, stop caring what some…
Freedom of speech isn’t there to protect fluffy unicorn speech that keeps you warm and fuzzy.
Buh...buh...but, we’re supposed to stereotype anyone that doesn’t agree with us as hateful, ignorant monsters?
What you just said goes against “The Spirit of Gawker” with your rational thinking and whatnot. You’re fired!
The notion in which people call on a person to be fired because they read something they don’t like is beyond dumb. The correct course of action is public discourse and argument, not trying to silence the opposition.
In Clarkson’s defense, I doubt one column sums up his entire thoughts and reasoning on the matter, and…
Flame away, but transgenderism is the only mental illness with surgical body mutilation as the “cure.”
Torch, is this part of the new Gawker, and now Jalop, focus to jump in on social issues?
As a fan, it was nice to see Vince Young have one last disappointing drive.
I still don’t know why anyone wants a fix for what I declare a “feature” of these cars...
“Douche canoes, primarily, buy this trim”
Drew sees nothing wrong.
More Dodge.. But dammit if these wheels didn’t look really great. I want to hate them. Really, I do. I just can’t do it, Captain.
Any classic car pretty much