When asked why she didn’t discuss her pneumonia diagnosis until after it became abundantly necessary to do so, she said she “didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal.”
When asked why she didn’t discuss her pneumonia diagnosis until after it became abundantly necessary to do so, she said she “didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal.”
It’s not the Fitzgeralds, but try Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries? 1920's Melbourne that, admittedly, is about crime, but very few (if any?) gangster plotlines.
Starred. I need friends. Badly. Sadly?
I have a lot more regard for Bill Simmons than most Deadspin contributors, and not just in the grudging “he’s a good judge of talent, I guess, seems like a nice boss maybe” kind of way. But neither of his current projects are interesting to me, and I’m content to get the Ringer’s newsletter and click on a link once in…
The drunks in the stands at NFL games are all murderers and degenerates.
Here was a particularly phony and dishonest line of argument, which went basically unchallenged by The Ringer’s reporter (emphasis mine):
Turns out cops feeling threatened by a person of color merely sitting there is pretty close to the root of the very problem Kapernick is complaining about.
That we all have an inner 5 year old is why Michael Bay has a career.
1/2 credit for acknowledging the Civil War was about slavery.
Except a)nobody’s actually been conscripted in 40 years, so it’s pretty much a a moot point and b)men get raped in the military a whole fucking lot.
This is a really excellent post, and my comment is largely tangential, but I thought it was worth discussing - would you count WW2 as having an impact on civil liberties? I don’t think it’s crazy to say that, if the US didn’t become involved in WW2, the Axis potentially wins and either becomes an imminent existential…
I wish I could star this a billion times.
This isn’t about the military. The military did not “give us” our rights. There were only two wars in American history that had any impact at all on the civil liberties of Americans: The Revolution and Civil Wars.
There I was, the black grandson of a slave, the son of a black sharecropper, part of a historic occasion, a symbolic hero to my people. The air was sparkling. The sunlight was warm. The band struck up the national anthem. The flag billowed in the wind. It should have been a glorious moment for me as the stirring words…
But... Kaepernick actually supports veterans, and says their fight for what the flag represents is in vain if what happens back at home continues to look and feel like unfairly meted “justice”:
“many people of color have also died for that symbol”
I don’t agree with what Kaepernick did. I think it’s disrespectful for countless Americans who have come before us and have given their lives for this country.
Is it more disrespectful than having a contingent of the country literally being allowed to get away with murder? Kaep’s doing it because the country is falling short of what the flag is supposed to symbolize. The flag is nothing more than a symbol of the ideology this country is supposed to represent. When the…
It’s absolutely ridiculous that nobody has called out Kaepernick on his false equivalencies towards the two major political candidates for president