Marshall Stan

Yep, one’s openly racist, and the other has deleted emails. Always make sure both of those things get equal mention because they are in fact equal.

Your responses gave me chills. I’m an older guy. I’m hoping you are younger person . That would give me great hope for the world in which my teenage boys are growing up.

Very well said. Agree 100%. Hopefully you won't mind if I copy and paste

Dear people on my Facebook feed: If you are boycotting Walmart because of how it treated one police officer and not how it treats millions of employees; if you are boycotting the NFL because it tacitly supports not standing for the anthem and not because it tacitly supports rape, domestic violence and traumatic brain

Perhaps if those efforts were given more media attention...

You’re right. “Nobody” is an over-generalization. Let me put it another way: if these were white people dying, it would get a lot more attention.

Well the death toll is up on recent years, so that rise *is* something to be concerned about, but it’s certainly not up to the level of the early 90s.

Why are you even trying, other than to see how far your patience can stretch?

Yes, in that nobody looks at Italian, Irish Jewish and German Americans and says that,because a gang culture driven by an illicit substance economy plagued a poverty stricken community with violence, an entire ethnic group should take the blame for it.

What is interesting is that crime has gone down as the city as gotten less white.

Your #2 is what the rest of the world struggles so much to understand... Speaking for my own home, we have lots of guns and a gun culture but not the same way. American gun culture, to many outsiders, empowers lunatics.

It’s times like this that you should remind them of what happened to rich black people like Thabo Sefolosha, James Blake, Henry Louis Gates...

Just a reminder. People didn’t die so you have to stand for the national anthem. They died so you can sit if you so choose. Even if they don’t agree with someone’s opinion, they were willing to fight for it. That’s what makes this country great. (Even though we have our moments.)

So you can’t criticize unless you are actively being oppressed at the moment, can’t look out for others if you have succeeded and if you are being “oppressed” then shouldn’t you be looking for a job instead of whining. It is almost as if...

You think that’s bad? I keep hearing about some rich guy saying America’s full of losers, worse than the worst war zones, that we’re run by crooked liars, that Russia’s great, etc. Really traitorous stuff. Of course the guy’s American, going after his own kind. Sad!

Or it’s reported on a daily basis.... if you don’t know why don’t you shut the fuck up? There are devastating stories of shootings on the news every night.

Ah, someone who clearly has picked up a textbook and looked up housing segregation and then learned to follow the money.... continue on with your "wonderful" knowledge

A black person is dead because of gun violence. Donald isn’t going to change the gun laws in the US. Donald thinks black people are going to vote for him because of this death. Am I missing something?

Colin Kapernick should stick to *watches recent game film* uh actually politics and social media

This is also another one of those situations where a person will be chastised for not respecting “the country and troops, who gave them freedom.” Because suddenly expression and protest aren’t among those freedoms.