Marshall Stan

Thank you.

If you legitimately believe that this would be the best way to advance his agenda - affordable college, better health care...etc. - then I think you are just completely wrong.

Hey man, why don’t you start with the two SCOTUS judges nominated by Obama and consider who McCain (gotta go back to the last one) would have put in charge? Now this is the tough part, do a little imagineering and think how Obergefell would have gone in that world.

My point is what I said above: acknowledging that he can’t win should lead to a change in tone and tactics. It’s about his legacy; about using his support to press his agenda. Or he could engage in stupid shit like what happened in Nevada in a desperate, flailing attempt to win when it’s mathematically impossible. I

No, it’s the part where I recognize the amazing job he’s done while pointing out that he’s losing in part due to his failure to have a foundation to his candidacy. Many super delegates are elected by the party during primary season. He didn’t have the infrastructure to compete in those like Hillary did. Many people

AND YET, he is not all that far behind if you only look at the popular vote!

Nah, it’s all true. I get that you folks are fundamentally terrified to confront a reality that isn’t conjured from your own imagination, but that post is accurate and sensible.

I’m talking about the media and the fact that they absolutely decide who wins by presenting a picture of inevitability and momentum.

First, fucking thank you. I was involved a lot in state and local stuff between 04 and 12, but I burned out. It’s tough, and you are doing important work.

Ok, but why would anyone who believes in even a fraction of what Sanders advocates have any desire to raise the degree of difficulty?

Super-delegates are a means for the DNC to ignore the will of The People. If you do not acknowledge that, you have no place ever voicing an opinion on politics.

Are you talking about the 3 people he decided to support about a month ago? Because Bernie sure isn’t doing much for those people, and he sure hasn’t done much for them outside of scraps of publicity from his presidential run. Where was he in 2014 or 2010?

It’s almost like the entire establishment of the DNC (you know one of the only two national political establishments) was actively working against him, not only refusing to help, but punishing his campaign.

Haha, ok. You sure told me.

At no point did I say Bernie supporters owe Hillary anything. They should behave better because it’s inherently good not to launch thousands of death threats and misogynist smears.

Really changing that perception of unhinged, irrational Sanders people.

My bad.

He is unorganized. You said “weak,” I didn’t.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

Which, I think, is an argument for the Shanahans: they knew RGIII’s abilities and weaknesses and crafted plays to maximize the plus and minimize the minus.