Marshall Ryan Maresca

Add in— and this is dark but not unheard of— her relationship with Korby might just mess her up and break her. 

One of the best episodes of Star Trek I have ever seen, They even redid the SNW intro in the LD style, and added little references here and there.

Does that time when they released First Cow, then Pig, then Lamb within a year of each other count?

Something that a lot of critics who accuse Marvel of destroying cinema or whatever fail to realize that it’s not really a traditional movie franchise so much as longform television that mostly plays in theaters first. As with Friends or Lost, there is enormous comfort to be had in selectively bingeing the movies and

I’m just extremely grateful to have something so impressively stunning in both visuals, performances and concepts on a network that funded this production to the degree they did, available at all. Without compromises for commercial success we wouldn’t have much of this genre available to us at all. I hope it continues

Absolutely true.

It may sound like a backhanded critique or assessment but…you make sense! 

STILL waiting for the Hugo nominees. Wait. Ing.

lmao sadly “Canon is a fool’s stricture” is a 100% Linda Codega original phrase, and sadly I’ve wasted it in the dek of an io9 blog.

The situation with Majors, to me, is incredibly simple. Recast Kang. Maybe they’ve shot some future stuff, but it can’t be as extensive as the entire Flash movie having been shot by the time the Miller accusations came out. If Marvel recasts Kang, not many people would care and it wouldn’t really cost them much. 

I think she’s hoping for more of a Lawreformation.

I wrote a ten book series and I started running out of steam around book 9 (I had more story to tell, I just had lost interest in writing it) but I fuckin’ FINISHED that tenth book and people liked the ending and I’m proud of that accomplishment.

People aren’t angry that the MCU is being critiqued, it’s that it’s a poorly reasoned critique that gets both the premise of the show and its major plot points utterly wrong.

It’s kinda funny in how so much of the MCU is inspired by the Ultimates run, though.

i’m gonna throw in a dark horse ‘best line’ and say it’s in iron man 3:

My favorite is Ben, Johnny and Namor watching Reed blow shit up and Namor saying, “I have long been aware of the destructive potential of a mind as powerful as Reed Richards’” and Ben being like, “Um, holy shit?”

But, unfortunately, there is that aforementioned stumble. Hold on while I get real nerdy with this: In Captain America: The First Avenger, the Tesseract that the Red Skull initially finds in the church is a fake, and the real one is hidden nearby. In this episode, (and maybe this is just me missing it) the sequence

Fun, tense episode. It says something (I’m not sure what) that as awful as these characters are, I’m kind of rooting for them. Except for Shane of course. And Olivia.