Marshall Ryan Maresca

While FNAF did have same day streaming, it was A. on Peacock, which is definitely not as popular a platform and B. that fact wasn’t widely advertised. So folks who were Very Excited about FNAF probably went to the theater anyway because they didn’t know it would be streaming or didn’t have Peacock.

Sure— a fair amount of “urgency” is driven by the zeitgeist. You have to see it now because spoilers are going to be everywhere in 12-24 hours. But if there is so much stuff any given week that almost nothing becomes The Thing Everyone Is Talking About, then, hey, you can catch that next week or next month or

I think you’re mistaking you’re own impressions for the larger opinions. If nothing else, there is a fanbase out there who is crazy about Bucky and Yelena.  (Individually, not “Bucky and Yelena”, but honestly there’s probably a niche out there already writing the fanfic.)  

Listen, you throw a Laura Benanti in the mix, my attention, it is had.  But mileage can vary.

Marvel “underperforming” is apparently not having every new movie be the new biggest movie of all time.  

I didn’t see ONE commercial on television.

The whole ‘mutants are a despised and feared underclass!’ thing already sat a little uneasily with the non-mutant heroes in Marvel Comics anyway.

Yeah. She’s a great actress who I’m certain can do comedy capably, but she’s not exactly known for it.

The Darkest Timeline.

Right?  I get the point of the scene was to highlight Doug/OB as a person who doesn’t just write, but writes science-fiction, and is an outsider, but it was a weird take.  

Oh, it had a barcode, just the book store didn’t have it in their system so it wouldn’t scan.

I mean, in the 90s my bar for “do I go see this movie in the theater?” was in the basement. Is it in the theaters? Then, yeah, I’d probably go see it.  

It’s not even that making a billion is commonplace, it’s that more movies come out where due to budget, marketing and, I don’t know, needs for investor growth, anything less than a billion is “failure”, and... that’s just not reasonable nor sustainable.  Like, if your metrics make grossing $500 million worldwide a

This right here.  My home set-up is pretty sweet, add in a pause button, my own food and control over the air-conditioning, well, there needs to be a pretty compelling argument of why I should go see it in the theaters when the main thing I lose in waiting is, well, time spent waiting.  

But they’re on the moon in swimsuits?   Like, even in if you can breathe and stuff in the blue area with the Inhumans, it’s not exactly a beach spot.

I love the dedication to branding.

Finally! Now I can watch it as it was meant to be seen: with minimal effort while folding laundry.

I mean, it’s honestly kind of impressive how much of a mess it is.  

At some point someone should really review Starfleet/The Federation’s policy about letting scientists have entire planets to themselves unsupervised with no peer review of any sort.

True, but it’s hard for me to reconcile Jess Bush’s tough as nails, no bullshit Chapel with the wet blanket version played by Barrett on TOS.