Marshall Henderson Applewhite

Kettle of Fish = good food and legit darts option, I don’t get to the west side much but it’s usually there that I wind up. Prof Thoms was at its most fun when the bar next door wasn’t a San Francisco (and San Diego and Canadiens bar(that’s a longer story)) bar but was a regular Yankees/Rangers(hockey) joint and

Untrue! BTW it’s the Riviera in the West Village that’s closing (just closed), not Prof Thoms, and while PTs sucks for Patriots/Michigan stuff over the last several years it’s pretty much always a blast for Sox games. I’ve been there for the season opener and been there when they won the World Series, and it’s NOWHERE

YOU GO TO HELL! Kate in ‘Shooter’? Good lord.

Please please for the love of god bring back Jared Lorenzen. He’s desperately trying to lose weight so this would be a win-win-win.

This is real? How is this real? This is real. Holy shit. This is real.

Fawn Leibowitz? That minx. 

Yes but the alien must be a natural-born citizen of the United States and must have been a permanent resident of the US for at least 14 years.!

If you think the police in those cities are completely overrun you are 100% mistaken. Also I think your definition of “bring a large city to its knees” needs to be examined, even when Oakland had disruption of ports and the Golden Gate Bridge was shut down neither city was even close to being more than inconvienced.

When POI went from a show about using backdoor surveillance to prevent crimes to a show about artificial intelligence I was pretty much hooked. And yes the final season wasn’t great, and the show was very good but not great, but it was still pretty damn good and a really fun watch.

+ 5 foot assassin

I was on the street outside the Cubby Bear for game 6, and this is by no means even close to worse than that. How can it be worse than getting eliminated in your home stadium? They’re only down 2-1. Sheesh. And it wasn’t 10s of thousands utterly silent, you’re embellishing a lot there.

I’m glad someone here worked in a sniglet reference, well done.

I love Bookworks, I’ve moved from Chicago and had no idea it was closing, I stopped in there constantly in the late 90s/early 00s and the owners were cool people. That bookstore will be missed, if Myopic ever closes I’m going to be pretty damn angry.

Now playing

“AS God as my witness I thought pigs could fly”

He looks like what would happen if Zach Galifianakis, the Heat Miser, and a stalk of asparagus fell into a Telepod from the Jeff Goldblum ‘The Fly’ movie.

No ‘Robotman’ or ‘Monty’ by Jim Meddick? get the fuck outta here.

It’s the second “they’re both good” that really nails that bit.

Grape. Grape is favorite.

What are you talking about? Did someone call the police?

Even if you get the issues regularly, volume 6 comes out on Tuesday, so there’s that.