Marshall Henderson Applewhite


oh, give it a rest.

Give me a break, such as _______? Give it a rest once in a while.

Wow, Alou, you're really an asshole, huh?

/\ THIS. Wrestling! I mean, come on. No wrestling but there's 3on3 and badminton etc etc. Freaking travesty.

I'm not exactly sure what's happening here but I completely love your comment regardless.

I loved this show as a kid. The cody coyote!

Fair enough, I agree that if he just saw a guy stuff some sweaters in his pants and then just started pummeling him, that would indeed be lame.

You mind explaining what you mean by "bullshit" and "weak journalism"?

How so? and in what plane of reality does one consider shoplifting not a "robbery"?

As a Knicks fan I can only hope that this results in Spike GOING THE FUCK AWAY.

I completely agree, I want the Knicks to be record breaking awful this season. Why not?

'Lacey Noonan' is 100% based on Caddyshack, right? Lacey Underall + Danny Noonan.

I'd just like to say I'm proud to have made the Funbag AND Gregggg's TMQ mailbags. time to try Simmons and Peter King!

"Jealously", "envy", "losers going nowhere in life", "grown underemployed men", "jealous misfits"? Wow you really fit a lot of b.s. into just that one comment. Good for you, have a cookie.

"those thugs", i.e. "black guys" who are working the door? Also, before that fellow shoves Kelly away he says quite clearly "Yo, you're spitting blood on me", which to me justifies a freaking push away.

You sir, are a complete moron. "jealousy" and "envy"? Really?

You sir, are a complete moron. "jealousy"? Really?

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