
@avclub-c26473f2f4772a2a52e4690515ce6e75:disqus White 1 and the Sunn/Boris collaboration Altar are their two most accessible albums

college was the opposite for me. i grew up in a poor area and almost all my friends as a kid were from broken homes, and when i got to college nobody even knew anybody like that. a few children of divorce, but they were all relatively well-off and comfortable otherwise

For me, he'll always be Bob Bunson because of those short shorts.

I've yet to be convinced all those 90s alt rock chicks aren't all the same persyn. Let's just call her Ani DiFranco.

Yeah, he was repping Public Enemy as far back as 86/87, before anyone knew who they were.

With the exception of that nu-metal album.

For some reason when that song gets stuck in my head his voice is always replaced with Barney Fife's.

There's just something about Morrissey riding a tractor in that video that always cracks me up.

Death row, water buffalo.

@avclub-650791898dd05ac4d665569d95c8ba08:disqus There were definitely more meatheads, rednecks, etc. listening to thrash and metal in general in the 80s and 90s. The D&D nerd contingent didn't really latch on to metal until broadband internet and being more kvlt and tr00 became widespread.

They got weirder and more intense as Phil's drug problem got worse. The Great Southern Trendkill is worth a listen just for Floods alone.

The origins have long since been lost to the mists of time, but the most on point statement about this song is "the intro to Walk is the most racist guitar riff ever written".

Denmark had a show about the problems along their border with Mexico?

No THAC0 joke? Roll saving throw against critical failure.

Sally Field: GTFO!

Two walls of empty Marshall cabs arranged in an inverted cross down.

They're going to lower his casket south of heaven, because hell awaits. There'll be no divine intervention, for he'll be spending seasons in the abyss for claiming god hates us all.