
He’s projecting. Cameron is still mad at Kathryn Bigelow for divorcing his ass AND winning “his” Oscar. Therefore, all female directors are in his cross hairs.

Is the thought the people who pirate media would be unlikely to pay for the content anyway even if that was the only alternative?

(runs to room, slams door, flings self on bed, sobbing)


I grew up in Colorado Springs. The city had it coming.

Damn Drop Bears are just toying with you. Look at that face. It’s just like the one out of the Twilight Zone that tore that engine apart. “Hiding” my ass. She was taking out the brakes.

Ah, but he would also have been driving on the other side of the road, which means he would have likely missed the pole entirely due to the different trajectory. ;)

Annual reader’s meet and group grid walk on race day:

I was worried about going there in 2017 but I’m glad you did

Rebel Without a Cause comes to mind. Although that was playing chicken off a cliff and the other guy died, so... win by default.

Has a street racer ever won the heart of the young lass that stands between the cars and starts races?

Lose his livelihood? Assuming he’s vaguely competent, those cars are insured.

stop sharing this on other pages

Me!!!!!!! I’ll get working on my annual Jalopnik/OPPO Roundup Meet article

So who’s going to COTA for Lone Star Le Mans September 15 - 16, 2017? Presumably the last chance to see a real LMP1 fight in America. I’ll be there.

While I like the idea of a rally in Turkey with respect to the roads, I’m not sure about the political situation and safetybof such an event. I’d like to see New Zealand instead, especially if Hayden Paddon still has a drive next year.

I actually liked the older Australian PC from Battlefield 1, Frederick Bishop.

Igot to talk to La Bamba one-on-one briefly after a taping of Conan.

If only there were a way to combine a homogenous-charge engine with a hybrid drivetrain…

Now playing

C’mon Luke! Everybody knows the Merchant from Resident Evil 4 is the best, most enigmatic Australian in video games!