I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.
I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.
About fucking time those bass-ackwards fucks get with the times. I have a feeling though that this isn’t going to happen any time soon. Because fucking religion.
Give these guys peace and prosperity for a decade or two and the muslim middle east will rise out of the religious shackled squalor and societal issues just like Christian cultures did from the dark ages and beyond. In fact, it might even be faster because of the present day and age technology and communications.
Why do I get the feeling that every time I read a GT article on Jalopnik now, I’m reading wannabe movie critics try to talk above their paygrade? To me, TG was never about grandiose missions or purpose or whatever. To me, TG was always about life with cars. Sometimes it was beauty. Sometimes it was, yes, purpose, but…
Serious question - are Americans actually buying Fiesta’s? Don’t you all like big raptor-like things?
Some people never develop that, especially if they are surrounded by people who praise and agree with them.
Right? A 24-yo who is clearly so fucking desperate for male validation that she goes on the Daily Show to discuss politics looking EXACTLY like every girl in the Hollywood Blvd. clerb lines disses an older, accomplished woman for not being hot enough. Go fuck yourself.
You have to give the all these alt-right chucklefucks one thing: they’re good at disseminating their message and rallying behind it. They know who to attack, what words to use, and what defenses to stick use so they’re speaking with almost one voice. The jargon and rhetoric of being a shitty human being seems to…
It’s classic projection. They learned it from their orange overlord.
I’m sorry for your loss.... A trump supporter in the family is almost like a death. I mean that in the least morbid way possible.... Atleast in my opinion , if my sibling was a trump supporter there’s a Chance id never speak with her again.
It’s pronounced asshole.
Because she’s a mildly attractive white woman, duh!
Yep, typical car boys with that kind of customisation culture. In here, they will drag race each other and trade girlfriends. We have to admit it, the “boyz” level of our car culture is definitely sexist. This makes me stopped hanging out with them. Even at the mildest level, where there are some girl members, they…
He’s selling wheels, not running for president. Safety critical items like that have to be held to a higher standard.
The amount of people using this post as little other than an excuse to say “Well! What a racist! I’m not a racist, this is a racist. I don’t use the n-word, so I’m a good person!” is a little disconcerting.
Trump gave a lot of people balls. Try that shit with the wrong person all your teeth will be missing.
This isn’t about ‘political correctness’. He flat out calls the guy a racial slur. This goes beyond mere insensitivity.
Those messages reek of insecurity. A couple messages sparks this? I have a strong feeling that “cuck” is a big part of this guys vocabulary.
“You guys do not know Chris on a personal level. He started his business with nothing. … The only concern here is the type of stuff he said and the type of person this makes him,”
So, we’ve learned that the head of a well known company among the “hella flush” VW community is vehemently racist.