... a NZ license can’t be ported to a German one due to low standards in NZ insufferable German snobbery
... a NZ license can’t be ported to a German one due to low standards in NZ insufferable German snobbery
Can’t we all just keep our own stuff?
I saw the comment you made on Oppo about how even photos of the injured should be censored. I get it. You’re a first responder who has to see gruesome imagery up close and personal. You see and smell and touch the blood and debris. That’s something you probably wish no one ever had to experience, but that’s exactly…
The sad truth is that all that matters is he is Somali and he killed people. Every single right winger will give that shitty, smug little smile and say, “I told you so,” and they will believe it with all their heart. This is literally one of the worst fucking things that could happen right now. This one person has…
Here’s the thing about that: I give not a shit about why white people thought voting for an openly racist man was ok. I don’t care about their issues and their problems and their jobs, since they don’t care about my basic humanity and safety. Lots of people voted for Hitler for reasons other than wanting to gas Jews,…
With regards to trump (not capitalized on purpose) I don’t think you’re right about older Boomers. Most people in their 70s and 80s I came into contact with during the election were NOT trump supporters at all. They are old enough to know fascism and dictatorships when they see them. Now younger boomers in their 50s…
This will be a significant increase in the use of hazard lights in the US. Most American’s can’t even find the button, regardless of whether it’s a giant red one in the middle of the dash.
It’s the “I have a black friend” phenomenon, but don’t fall for it. Certain white people feel that, to prove they aren’t really racist, they can point to the one black friend they have. Of course, they only are friends with him probably because he either works with them, lives next to them, or married into their…
I feel like all headlines about the 2016 election should read “white racists fuck us into oblivion.”
I wish I could be one of those millenials who could afford to have a niche interest but instead I’m buried under so much student debt, I’ll be paying it off until 10 years after I’m dead (I did the math!). Instead, the most luxurious thing I did this week was buy a dusty bottle of Yellowtail from the gas station by my…
They voted for Hope and Change in 2008. They voted for Hope and Change in 2016. Young people are still waiting for Santa to come down the chimney and fix everything with magic, long after they think they’ve stopped believing.
Those young white voters probably didn’t realize they were racist until a black president gave all their POC friends and neighbors the confidence to complain about the systemic racism we hadn’t really ever talked about. They were probably sexist too, but lets not pretend the country hasn’t changed under Obama.
Plus the racism. Don’t forget the attractiveness of the racism.
Thankfully I’ve pickled my liver with such gusto that I suspect I’ll be gone in about ten.
Have some more koolaid.
The sad thing is that given some of the people who actually drive these things (as demonstrated by the “unintended acceleration” issue), this could actually be a massive road hazard.
Is that the day you earned your Kinja name?
So, you break the law because you assume you’re some sort of commando. ok, then.
You know racism’s gotten bad when male cheerleaders think they have the right to make fun of anyone else.
These racers are not here against their will, nor are you forced to watch the race against yours. All participants, bother racers and spectators, are volunteers. The value of one’s life is what one assigns to himself. We all value life differently, and none of us has the right (or should have) to tell another how to…