
I can award you one of my cars, but I assure you it would not be positive. 

I was in North America once and everyone older than 2 was obese.

These stunts are just insulting to anyone who has an introductory college physics course under their belt. You’re towing something with wheels over flat ground.

1) Its no ‘OVERSPRAY’ or ‘OMGZ THEY PAINTED MY INTERIOR;’ its paint dust as a result of a casual attitude towards masking/taping the car.

You’re probably a giant asshole too.

Holy shit! Frame rails and strut buckets! This IP theft, this aggression, will not stand.

Why do you have to use your car to do errands, or even get groceries, in a sufficiently dense city? Plenty of places where people do that on mass transit, or walk to them...

“Make America petty and shitty again”™

And, really, who wants to drive in megacity traffic?

Is this the slogan for our next presidency?

Yss, they both use red LED lighting. Good catch... that’s very unoriginal of Lexus.

I got on a flight from Auckland to LAX and saw Ed sitting in first class. After I got my ass to the back of the plane with the rest of the hoi polloi I happened to be seated next to a brit, and mentioned that I’d seen Ed Sheeran in first class.. he goes ‘is that the ginger homeless looking guy?’ LOL... uhhh... yah.

You’re going to have to take what you can get. As soon as the technology satisfies a sufficient percentage of the market on a sufficient percentage of roads, manufacturers are going to lose their taste for the exponentially increasing costs of taking the technology to the next level.

$1,500 a month and you’ll have to pair your bluetooth to the car each time you get in, no thanks!

Don’t confuse “racism” and “prejudice.”

If the roles had been reversed, the teens would have been released and not charged at all.

Impressed is probably the wrong word.

You have three cars in DC? Your rent must be insane.

He doesn’t seem to fit the profile a person who would sue Tesla for monetary compensation

I swear, “Tavarish” has slowly become a synonym for “bad car-buying advice.”