The problem is your refusal/inability to read the word in context. “Whiteness” is clearly not referring to the immutable physical trait in this instance.
The problem is your refusal/inability to read the word in context. “Whiteness” is clearly not referring to the immutable physical trait in this instance.
Yeah, it’s almost as if you have to think more deeply about what the phrase means instead of taking it at its most literal interpretation. Like a university student.
Is it wrong that it’s hard for me to care about a white guy in Alabama when this happens to African American’s literally all the time and it never ever gets any press coverage??
It’s like all the rest of us, no? That’s why we have a vice president and a speaker of the House and a whole line of people. They can just keep dying.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Well I am gay, so we are clear on that front.
Professional gamer. R8. First car.
Because I can safely drive and talk at the same time.
Not only is this guy getting paid full market value for his car, but he’s also getting an extra 5 or 6 thousand for his “troubles.” But yet he’s held up as a hero. Fuck this guy. Whining selfish bitch.
What a prick. This is on par with those crybabies that try to pay their speeding tickets in pennies.
I admire his commitment to being a recalcitrant ass.
can we stop with golfs... they are the camrys of europe
You’re right this is obviously a complex and staged propaganda to discredit innocent white Americans and totally not that two racist douchebags saw a black guy and wanted to fuck his life up.
I’m all for annihilating the south. They still fly the confederate flag, so as far as I am concerned they are not Americans, but rather, enemy combatants to be exteriminated like the vermin they are.
Go her.
Yep, it’ll be in my next batch of photos!
Right, because certainly the people in the other car didn’t have guns on them...
And that will be a great way to get express-murdered when the four armed goons hop out of the 300. But hey, you do you, cowboy!
Judging by the manner they cut him off in, and gunned it past a cop with no fucks given, I doubt strangers at a gas station would have stopped him/them from their mission. Especially in modern society where you can be bleeding to death in the street and nobody bats an eye.