Maromi Madoromi

What? Borderlands is a loot shooter, Outer Worlds is a Fallout-inspired RPG. They only have superficial similarities.

The Outer Worlds is Fallout in Space with simplified dialogue options and weirder weapons and no vaults. There’s almost no connection to Borderlands other than Borderlands and Fallout both being obsessed with vaults.

Obsidian once again citing lack of features and budget as somehow a virtue

I mean, if I had a tadpole in my head and only a few days left, I certainly would want to have as much sexy time as I could get!

yep, in fact unless I am mistaken the only place that you could even do what is described would be with the two prostitutes in the game which are pretty obvious about what they are and what you are paying for. also every cutscene is skippable so that part is also false.

So you admit to not having actually played the game then, sad for you. Because if you had then you’d know that right before any of these scenes there are good Obvious options to just remain friends with the companions.

They weren’t too much, actually.

The thing about free DLC add-ons is that you get what you pay for.

Not to point out the obvious, but those previous Batman games also only added content - new characters, maps, story, etc - via paid DLC. You still cannot access that content without paying extra for it.

Maybe its the people you talk to.

Yeah, the “Kilborn era was better” is the “I was into that band before they sold out” of fake cable news parody.

This accusation that Stewart’s ego got the best of him reads like a take from an alternate reality. Stewart was, if anything, almost too humble. He’d go out of his way to dismiss himself and his show as just the ramblings of a silly comedian and would often make the argument that it was pathetic that his show was

Actually, Osomatsu-san is a good example of how strict Japan’s parody law can be. Originally it had a completely different first episode than the one shown in reruns. However they had to make a whole new episode 1 for reruns and home release because the original’s parodies were not considered as such under court of

You don’t know what you’re talking about. Period. Stewart took what was a joke show, brought in an insane cast who all went to have insane legacies, and elevated the show to a culturally relevant and informative one. 


How are you distinguishing between a meme and a merited success at this stage, though? You don’t know what this game’s long term sales are like, it hasn’t been out long enough. It seems like you could make this same argument right after any high profile game launch if you happen to dislike the game.

Do people really have so little to do in life that they need to go on social media to try to “prove” some game is a copy of their favorite game and get it shut down.   It’s kinda pathetic.  

Oh boy, pity anyone that has to submit a screenplay to you. Jesus Christ, you’re pathetic.

I know, I was making a joke about his sound editing.

You know I’m normally sympathetic to this complaint but there’s literally one line in this film that’s a bit hard to hear and it’s when the guy’s asking Oppenheimer the same question over and over while he’s having a freakout imagining a nuclear blast, so like, you can kinda infer it.