Maromi Madoromi

you have gotta be the saltiest dog in the whole world. 

Every game I’m aware of they’ve made is just controlling a camera moving around and shooting things in the face.

Difference being Metroid Prime only colors doors; for stuff like spider ball tracks or boost areas or cracked walls, it tracks nothing.

Metroid Dread actually gives you a map accurate down to the block, and if you bomb a space and uncover that a specific item is needed to break that space, the map tracks it even if you

The people I want to follow aren’t on there yet.

Yeah, because Machine Games don’t have a good track record... 🙄 

Ha ha! Dunning Kruger on strong display.

Now playing

America and Christianity both have a lot of very serious problems, but your argument is nonsense. From Dogma to Preacher to Life of Brian to The Leftovers to The Da Vinci Code, movies and television have often presented the Christian versions of God and Jesus in ways that are deeply at odds with Christian teaching,

They also dismissed my comment pointing out that lossless files wouldn’t be best for sending as email attachments. 😂

It isn’t stupid. If you go to Facebook, it’s still called Facebook. Facebook is the product. Meta is the company. The name of the company changed. Twitter was both the name of the company and the name of the product. Musk changed both. People still call the product Twitter. Ergo, the AP refers to both. 

I hope your music is better than your dev analysis.

You’ve got this perception wrong. I know you’re reasonable so I want to assure you of the valid and useful ways AI can be used (without plagiarism; without a SINGLE other person’s content, even in training data).

Ha ha ha! Oh shit, you can just HEAR the junior dev in Priest of Maiden’s comments. Why convert to X? Do you have no concept of format limitations? Have you never built an audio processor, so you don’t know how performant some lossless formats can possibly be on specific chipsets and architectures (‘oh anything could

The AP style guide says to call it this way.

You know that Shakespeare is in the public domain, right? Legally no one has to pay anything for access to Shakespeare’s works, you can download them for free and buy copies for next to nothing.

I don’t really see how this ‘protects the brand’.  It’s just sticking it to consumers while arguably making less money.  Who is this behavior good for?

Except that, if by having a Nintendo Select means “devaluing” their own product, then they’ve been doing that since at least 1993. It doesn’t devalue their brand by having older games at a lower price, it just assures the game (and the Switch) get into more hands, translating into more sales. No company would turn

My point was mostly that it gives you working scripts in a fraction of the time it requires a programmer to make them.

Me, last Friday: “I need a Python code that takes a WAV file and splits it into multiple MP3 songs so that I can have all the songs we recorded in yesterday’s rehearsal separated and ready to send as email attachments”

My friend, Super Mario 64 is my favorite game of all time but if Nintendo kept that mindset and still sold it today for $60, I’d also give a wholehearted no.

Except they’ve literally done exactly this for every system since 1996, until the Switch. For 20 years until they abruptly stopped. So your “simple” logic has a tiny tiny gap there.