Maromi Madoromi

I think one of the main ways she hammers this home is how she paid for an additional “photography” package, because she figured she’d be taking video the whole time and wanted someone else to ensure there were some nice photos of her experience. But then when she got there she saw that all the photographers seemed to

See, here’s the thing: people don’t actually dislike Taylor Swift. As I said, she has zero discernible...anything.

It’s also probably just to make the idea of a modern day Civil War make sense in the first place. You can’t just split the dividing lines of the potential conflict down the line of North and South like you could in the 1860s. Nowadays the more radical states, while yes being largely in the South, are more spread out. N

Maybe your very high-IQ dismissal would be a little more persuasive if we didn’t live in a world were there are literally multibillion franchises in all media dedicated to the message “war is cool”.

I think the point is that when first reading the subhead, one might parse the phrase “abuse from Tom Holland” and momentarily think that Holland himself was perpetrating the abuse

Reading the subhead in full dispels that notion, of course.

It’s in the summary below the title

The subhead contains the phrase “abuse from Tom Holland,” which at first glance can make it sound like he had something to do with the abuse. Reading the subhead in full dispels that notion, of course.

What throws me for a loop is that they’re mad at him for snitching, but not for smuggling cocaine.

They were both novelists and screenwriters prior to adapting GoT. Benioff is the more accomplished writer of the two but they are both tested as writers of entirely new material. Not speaking to the quality either. I just think it’s dishonest to act as though GoT was either of their first go-rounds as writers.

Seems like that difference gives Confederate even more of a justification to exist, if anything. Almost everyone understands Nazi Germany was evil, but with a third of America believing the Civil War was about “states’ rights”, it might’ve been nice to have a show that takes off the nostalgia glasses and shows the

Oh, for sure, from the point of view of social policy, I get that. I just don’t think ANOF’s position was “jailhouse snitching is bad social policy and Tim Allen should have known the full sociopolitical ramifications of it in 1978.”

I’m on board with disliking him for his politics and misogyny, in fact those are the reasons I dislike him. I’m just a little baffled by the whole “snitches get stitches” attitude here. Like, I fully understand the systemic problems with law enforcement in our country, so maybe that’s where you’re coming from? Fuck

You know that Halloween was probably the first entry in the slasher genre proper? So citing that early film in the subgenre as an example of one he likes isn’t the “gotcha” that you think it is because, as the 80's rolled around and slashers began to dominate the horror genre, Ebert openly detested them.

Because it didn’t happen. It didn’t even get a pilot.

but Confederate never happened. And who’s saying “we” forgot it? Have you forgotten gravity due to the lack of mention in this article?

Oh come off it

Creators of the show. No one -- including Emma -- is implying otherwise, and you are smart enough to know that. 

That’s an obvious lie. He gave positive reviews to multiple slashers. He gave Halloween 4/4 stars. Most slashers are garbage, and giving bad reviews to garbage movies is not “moral panic.”

The Star Wars sequels were going great, then Rise of Skywalker happened.