Maromi Madoromi

If you genuinely think this movie is made for young people and not for middle-aged dudes to claim ‘they don’t make them like this anymore’, then you’re a dumbass

Doug Liman is two years shy of 60

You don’t need national scrutiny to face massive personal punishments. Again with the abortion example, now that receiving an abortion is a punishable offense: Anybody who would have considered writing a letter of support must consider now that their boss or friends or local paper might make hay of it. And they’ll

It is true that not everybody receives the same level of defense in our legal system, as money buys better lawyers. One of the few assets anybody, rich or poor, has access to in a defense are these letters of support.

I mixed up the names and it slipped by an editor. Sorry! this has been fixed.

There’s a pretty common attitude that all manner of atrocities - murder, torture, rape, even war and genocide - are fine as long as they happen to the “deserving”.

Look, we can talk about the death penalty. But there is no “rape penalty” - and there shouldn’t be. There shouldn’t be, because it then normalizes rape, a thing which is not normal and has no justification ever. I understand the hate and revulsion, I feel it myself. But this narrative of “haha, you’ll go to jail and

The Nazis had similar conceptions.

now now... let’s be constructive. There is definitely room for improvement, so let me suggest an example of how the apology could have been re-written, with intent to apologize for the actual wrongdoing. It’s important to use active language and words like I, we, to indicate that we acknowledge our own role and

Usually I’m against non-apologies, but in this case it’s exactly the kind of apology the whiners deserve.

It cannot be overstated how much the Dragon Ball franchise has influenced the Black community. Pretty much every Black nerd started with DBZ, and even a lot of the non-nerds have fond memories of it. The story of the underdog who perseveres through anything and has no idea of his heritage really resonates with Black

How is she a scapegoat if she was the armorer and the problem was with the armory?  Even if she wasn’t acting as the armorer that day (says the defense attorney), she was acting as the aromorer yesterday, and she should have made sure the guns were safely loaded and ready to use yesterday.

Whoa, I was expecting a hung jury. Two hours of deliberation? That’s fast. Prosecution must have put on a damn good case.

You can’t make up laws based upon how you think things should be. It’s not a crime to locate ANY business activity (say, building cars) in a place that avoids union involvement, and it’s not an actor’s job to be expert in firearms.  That’s the whole reason Guitierrez-Reed was paid to be there.

I actually think this helps him. Someone else has been found guilty of negligence and I think a jury will buy the fact that even if he HAD decided to check the gun, which isn’t his job, is an actor supposed to be able to tell the difference between prop and real rounds?

That’s what her defense attorney said.  Given that it took the jury two hours to convict I’d say that’s either untrue, or there’s a nuance we’re not seeing.  It also doesn’t excuse the fact that there had apparently been live rounds around the set for a while, which should never have happened.

Better lawyers yes, but also a better defense. The way to enforce gun safety on a set is to hire someone specifically to be in charge of enforcing gun safety on set - which was Gutierrez-Reed. The burden to put criminal responsibility on Baldwin will be higher.

Undoubtedly, the historically very chill Alec Baldwin would’ve listened to a lowly, underpaid, inexperienced armorer on her first real job.”

So, to sum up, you’re full of shit.

The headline is a direct quote AND add context. You fellas just don’t know what clickbait is!