Maromi Madoromi

Yeah, Google screwed up real bad. I was surprised by this verdict given that Android is already an open platform but I guess looking shady really is enough to turn the judge and jury against you.

What? The story is pretty much never a deconstruction of that. They’re usually shown to be as powerful as they’re stated to be, or if they’re not explicitly shown to, nothing contradicts it. A kid manages to catch them, but that’s no different than any other JRPG/anime where the protagonists kill a god. The closest

There are jokes that hide real sentiment, and there are jokes that are so absurd they couldn’t be mistaken for truth. I think most people would probably read the OP as the latter, so your reply was maybe not as fitting as you thought.

Zelda is definitely RPG-lite. No levels, no equipment, no stats, no party. The use of RPG in this context is to highlight that all of the things we associated with Final Fantasy-style games in the 90s were also present in Secret of Mana.

Again, not sure why you’re trying to argue with me. We agree that the game currently sucks and doesn’t live up to the hype. We agree that this doesn’t necessarily mean that the game is a scam.

Sigh. You really need to read the entire thread before responding. This entire thread has revolved around whether or not The Day Before qualifies as a scam. It began when Big Van Vader said “Why would you buy this game knowing it’s a mess, knowing it’s a scam?” I replied by saying that the game isn’t necessarily a

Seems like you completely missed the point. Calling an unfinished early access game a scam because it’s missing content and/or features is dumb. It’s clearly labeled as unfinished. It’s entirely fair to say the game sucks in its current form and doesn’t live up to the hype. It’s entirely fair to say that the game

I used We Happy Few as an example of a game whose scope and structure changed significantly during development. That game wasn’t a scam. Warframe is another good example. The scope of that game has increased significantly since it launched. Hell, look at Fortnite. It started life as a small, horde mode type game where

that makes it sound like any time you’re disappointed with anything you can call it a scam. that’s not what it means.

Sales to streamers and youtubers aren’t nearly enough to make back the cost of even a B grade game.  You might get 20,000 sales from that if you’re very luck.  That’s $800,000 at $40 a copy, might sound like a lot but even indie games have dev budgets from $2-$5 million nowadays.

The game is in early access so one could argue that missing features are to be expected at this stage.

Why was it even so wishlisted? Was it premise alone, which has already been done (and screwed up) to death?

Not sure this qualifies as a scam. A scam would be if they crowdfunded the game, then spent the money to invest in crypto and didn’t actually make any game. The Day Before is a real game that you can play right now. It just doesn’t live up to the hype.

I’m not saying such articles didn’t exist, but personally, I’ve never seen an article about this game that talked about it uncritically. I don’t think the problem here is uncritical media coverage. Seems like some people fell for the fake trailer and others bought into the game anticipating a disaster. There’s

Speaking for myself, the initial trailer was cool and I liked the concept. Wishlisting it is free, and doesn’t mean you have to spend money. Personally it stayed on my wishlist after all the goofy controversies so I could track it easier, even with no plan to buy it.

Personally I thought HotD was very interesting. Mostly in a “I wonder how they’re going to adapt this” kinda way.

I feel like you’re being intentionally dense. Again, both Sony and Discovery had to sign a contract for Discovery’s content to be distributed on PSN. That means they both had to agree to terms and conditions within said contract. As the company directly dealing with customers, it’s Sony’s responsibility to provide

That should make it easy for Sony to sue them for breach of contract, which will allow them to recover what they’ll be paying out to the customers who got screwed.

Real dads don’t consume fiction.

If this is your typical style of engagement then it wouldn't surprise me if you've encountered hostility throughout your life. That says as much about you as it does about society.