Maromi Madoromi

Yea, “probably”. Do you need me to get you a dictionary? Or you just like to stir shit up?

I am in fact aware of games that do not use a seasonal content model. I do not think releasing a continuous stream of content and monetizing that content is a “predatory tactic”. Long-term monetization is not inherently evil. This is not gacha gambling. It is a pre-defined set amount of content that you can pay for or

I think they’re going to do what every other seasonal game does. Tell you that there’s a new season pass at the start of the season, give you free track rewards as you play, and in the process show you the rewards you would be getting if you bought the premium track. Again, if that experience is sufficiently

They absolutely can rip models from their old games, and have done so, and should do so as long as they can.

The current models were designed in gen 6 or 7 and were pretty much ported over.

If they’re looking to futureproof pokemon (say they wanted to update the model set they’ve been using) they can make one set of

No, that’s not what they said. They said because of the battle pass they won’t buy the base game. They didn’t say anything about $70 is too much for the amount of game there, they said they would buy it, but because you can buy more content for more money, they wouldn’t purchase the base game, which doesn’t make any

I understand that companies might want to remove products from the marketplace, though in this case we’re talking digital products with far less barriers for selling than physical. Again the question is how you can get lost sales off of a product that’s not being sold.

Right, and games also did not used to come with frequent new content additions. If you want to play it like an old game, you’re free to buy the base game and play that and finish it and move on. It’s a complete experience like that. If you want more things on top of that, you have the option to buy those things. I

I mean, you pay more for more content. You pay $70 for the $70 of content included in the game, and then... you pay more... if you want the additional content they continue to add after that... Idk. “You can’t sell additional things if you launch at a premium price” just seems like a weird line to me. Like is the

Why are you talking? Some of us want to play with them IN game.. has nothing to do with those horrible remakes.

Be a moron like you who doesn’t understand that emulators are legal.

Some studios still respect their customers.

If you’re going to whine about semantics or strict definitions, you should first learn what “clickbait” means. LOL-ing at the irony here.

I always find it funny when people complain about clickbait titles, I like to point at them as examples of how it works.

Oh, well, obviously it’s a clickbait title. It just seems off to me to bristle at the specific word “economy” when it’s been used in this context for single-player games for awhile now. It’s shorthand for “it unbalances or accelerates the intended progression”, basically.

The larger consequence is personal preference and whether or not the player wishes to follow developer intent or break the ‘resource economy’ that the developers crafted. I think you’re picking at hairs here with semantics. Other than that your criticisms are noted, though not very useful.

Fallen Order was pretty indisputably a Metroidvania, so... I... think he does?


what a dumb fucking criticism to have about a word and by reading this site you automatically get enrolled in ‘gamers’ so keep on shitting on them, ‘name I stole from a comic book’

No company is going to allow Nintendo or Sony to control their manufacturing process. Neither Nintendo or Sony want the headache of controlling everyone’s manufacturing process. It’s actually a multi step process that does indeed require multiple manufactures to be involved. Especially for collector editions which

So, do you think we should do anything about scalping, though, or do we just sit here with self control while the people with money who don’t give a shit just pay the $200 like they always will and always have throughout the entirety of human history?