Maromi Madoromi

Bigmode is a publisher, not a developer.

I’ve really enjoyed the Amnesia series, and I’m really looking forward to this one. It sounds like it’s going to be a bigger gameplay departure than Rebirth, which is good because as much as I loved the genre hopping between Amnesia/Machine for Pigs/SOMA/Rebirth, they all felt very same-y when it came to the horror

Except how much he profited or what he was personally responsible for should be the issue, since he wasn’t the one in charge, or even the one making it possible, he was just handling sales! They’re making an example out of him because he’s the only one they could actually pin down with an extradition order, and that’s

It’s still utterly psychotic, and the punishment very definitely does not fit the crime. Nor does this improve or protect society in any way at all. This is purely vindictive and he’s being punished far more severely than countless criminals who have committed crimes many, many times worse.

I mean, yeah. HD-2D is largely meant to imitate the style of the SNES - pixel characters and pixel backgrounds - but with 3D movement and lighting. This is pretty much exactly what PS1-era designers were going for out of necessity, but here there’s 25-30 years more graphical power behind it. Most of the “low-poly

Yeah, it’s this exactly— like either make them pay this money and serve NO prison sentence, or do the opposite. Not both. It’s one of the huge failings of our carceral state where once a person is “rehabilitated” they have absolutely zero recourse or options to being accepted back into normal society most of the time,

Weird to single out Japan.

I remember that children don’t have money, and it was always adults buying the cards to begin with.

I’m actually trying to remember when I first ever PLAYED the card “game”... I started collecting them when they first ever released and I was in elementary school... but I’m pretty sure I didn’t actually play a game with them until I was an older teenager and could actually understand how to play.

thats the kind of shit take our parents had about cartoons and video games growing up, but look where those industries are now. Adults make up most of the audience for those things, just like they make up most of the sales for cards. maybe dont be so narrow minded about people’s hobbies.

Now playing

Just gonna leave this here. Highly recommended.

Okay but he served his time in prison. The whole perpetual punishment thing for his crime is wrong and disproportionate.

I generally agree with you, but what about this system is related to deck building besides the superficial use of “cards” to symbolize what is essentially just a list of collectible perks? The game is an RPG. It feels like you’re dismissing an RPG element just because it communicates the element through cards. 

I agree, but we also have to admit that Gary served his sentence and is soon to be a free man, and apparently also had good behaviour in prison. He is no Robin Hood or Saint, but we can at least hope he has learned his lesson, while still seeing Nintendo’s pursue as deliberately harsh.

There’s no “seems” about it. It is.

Sir, you don’t understand. He took MONEY. From RICH people.

As we are starting to see from recent news, the cruelty from nintendo is the point.

This man committed a crime and confessed to it. There’s no debate there, and he served an appropriate amount of time behind bars.

I keep seeing people rush to the “It’s supposed to be a kid’s movie!” defense, as if they’ve never seen a kids movie before.

I’m happy if you as a person enjoyed it, but it seems like a silly defense to use.