
Cool. When are you running to replace them?

Haha, I’m imagining telling some dude *after* “It was not a satisfactory lumber experience, friend.”

I am so sorry for your loss.

Also, the women’s march is not made up exclusively of folks who came late to the party, as the original poster implies. I was a vocal and excited HRC fan and I waved my signed and marched today.

I just love everything you write. This, in particular, was so heartfelt and kind. Thank you.

Agreed. It’s a big turn-off when people brag about how much they read (or how they can’t tell you fast enough that they don’t own a TV).

Agree with Non-Compliant (find a sister march) or... would you consider selling your extra creations??

I didn’t notice that at first! Oh my goodness...

Oh my goodness, this is so painful. That poor young woman is going to have a long road of healing ahead of her.

We’ve been wanting to get another dog for a while, but ooofffff, I forget about much trouble shedding can be.

Amy is so cute! What kind of dog is she? Does she shed much?

Ask the resto and see if they’ll help you out with how to make it yourself :)

I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling so down. Do you have a good friend to talk to, either in person or via skype or something? Hugs if you want them.

Holy crap all these jezzies with such good life skills. I’m embarrassed by my own contribution, but offer it humbly in return for a spot nonetheless: very good at washing dishes, laundry, and cleaning in general.

Good. Glad to have you.

Like America is being swallowed by a red hot sun, or drowning in it’s own blood.

Good. Keep it coming. I just want all these previously hidden items to come flying like bats outta hell. I am done with this administration and they haven’t even started.

if it’s true that russia has been cultivating donald for five years, i see that as noteworthy and i’d like that to be further investigated. agree to disagree, i guess.
