Marmotte Desormiers Bourdeau

I think what LaRuina is missing here (or willfully ignoring) is that there’s a wide gulf of difference between offering “dating tips for men,” and teaching men to behave in a fashion that is predatory and exploitative in their search for sex.

Most PUAs that I’ve had the displeasure of either knowing or being aware of

9 hours, 9 persons, 9 doors’ true ending. What a game.

Literally none of this is true. Sony is not responding as soon as the issue got attention, it was first brought up when rocket league went to xbox and the devs said cross play was being held back by sony.

“It’s not gambling; we provide the pack odds so you know what might pop up in a pack...” 

“We’re hearing it. We’re looking at a lot of the possibilities. You can imagine that the circumstances around that affect a lot more than just one game. I’m confident we’ll get to a solution which will be understood and accepted by our gaming community, while at the same time supporting our business.”

Getting through this game will not be a...

I also like to think that that Microsoft quote means that neither Microsoft nor Sony are in any rush to replace their current consoles. I realize both that are 5 years old now yet I still feel like they’re only just getting up to speed. I’m really not in any rush for new hardware. I still feel like I’ve barely

“ towering monsters we’d like to see possible* come to the game in the future”

Man, if Nintendo does a major direct later this month fans will go crazy.

There’s typos in almost all his articles. I’ve been trying to point them out in the hope he corrects them, looks more carefully at his work or at least gets someone to go over it before he posts them. He doesn’t seem to care though.

“a bunch of stuff I’ve never head of is hitting PS4”

It’s all fine and well (and even admirable) that you’re able to laugh at yourself—or at jokes that reference conditions you have. However, you, as an individual, don’t have the right to speak for others in terms of what they are or are not bothered by.

It’s also worth noting that blackface has its roots in some

She’s probably like most people and got tired of every season in that series being the same thing with slightly crazier visuals.

Quest 64.

People are going to start making a lot of excuses for this, and that’s fine. I think it’s fair to point out that some of this discussion is premature since we barely know anything about her and how the game will deal with her being trans, if she is.

Yea I was expecting at least some dates for stuff. Layden’s caginess on the subject makes me think a couple things are on the verge of slipping to 2019.

Gotta admit I’m a bit underwhelmed. I was kind of expecting more out of the whole event. I guess that’s my fault for having too high of expectations. The New God of War sounds exciting though.

It’s on the company for not verifying legal age, not on the parents for kid lying about it. Like how the kid or parents aren’t at fault if a kid gets served alcohol at a bar, the bar is the one at fault.

Take a show like 7 Deadly Sins, which I could use to draw several of my friends into anime.

i know what you mean... nearly 13 years man and still waiting....