Marmotte Desormiers Bourdeau

This might sound like a dumb question.. but how many of these releases each day are actually meant to be, well, games people expect to sell?

What I’m saying is.. couldn’t a lot of these be things like student projects getting published? Either as the end of the course, or just someone who made it in a course and

But do you really want Steam, the group which has the most to gain from highlighting specific games as “worth your money”, to be in charge of doing this? How do you ensure it’s being done evenly and fairly?

Makes me wonder if Covid-19 Pandemic have really strangled the Hollow Knight: Silksong’s development considering how long they’re making the game.

I don’t really agree with this take, the systems in place in BotW are definitely meant to encourage creativity and different solutions, and the survival elements were clearly never the focus (no hunger meter for example)

Counterpoint: good parents don’t put their kids in harm’s way, time and time again, from a young age. He’s continuously leaving his wife and child to train. There’s a bunch more but this is cherry picking at best, and even what you cherry pick isn’t what I would want out of my father lol

If you show Tarountula you have to show Spidops

How did far cry 4 make the list over, say, link to the past? as the list says, “any game where you can hang-glide over a waterfall is fine by me”. and you know what? they’re right! that ruled! and if that makes it one of their favourite games of all time, then it deserves a spot on their list.

Ill take anything, but I loved 4A!

It’s so funny to say smogon 6v6 singles which is entirely spiked recovery spam and endless swaps until one player actually gets to click swords dance is more strategic than VGC doubles where you have to actually account for things like spread moves, have options like self beat up into justified, moves like follow me,

“I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.””

No, Mark, you are making 11,000 other people take responsibility for that. You are taking no responsibility.

I disagree and from experience, professionally, I have found that it doesn’t matter. I have worked on wrestler likeness product and making the tattoo abstract is more than fine. The collectibles still sell, it still looks like the wrestler, and fans are perfectly happy. The likeness of a wrestler CAN and HAS been

The fact that this is rare and worth reporting on is why e-sports are sports, because so many professional and amateur tournaments and leagues have been run in the last several years without a problem like this happening.

To be fair the 78-29 votes when the bill passed, it’s important to point that the CAQ has 76 seats and they all voted for the bill. You don’t understand the difference in canadian politics that we have the “line of party” and here it almost never happen that someone vote differently than the official position of the

I don’t see a Shining Force/Fire Emblem aspect to this in all honesty.

Looks like a RTS-with-pausing-to-select-actions version of Final Fantasy Tactics/Brave Exvius War of the Whatever/etc. to me. Which is mostly on the graphics side. Really seems to be its own thing.

Kirby has an official date - 3/25. But yeah the rest is still a mystery.

Bro this pic is a major spoiler for most people. This is a VERY late reveal. Please remove the pic and label the article as spoilers.

Garchomp strong?

Great. I’m always impressed and just seriously moved by how much work, passion and talent some fans put in such projects.

The fact that they both failed to anticipate the memes and were also bothered by them seems like a real bad sign for this game. The only way this can work is if they lean into the cheese, but this makes it sound like the bullshit/buttrock scene was supposed to be 100% serious. Which, uh oh!

Beyond that, the article talks about how pretty the game is and includes just a single screenshot and a piece of key art that looks like every other JRPG key art.