Ike is wearing his dad’s armor! Greil’s look looks good on him.
Ike is wearing his dad’s armor! Greil’s look looks good on him.
Well there we go.
Although these answers will undoubtedly lead some to cry censorship—to accuse Nintendo of forcing its Japanese developers to make changes just to appeal to Western gamers—
I don’t think a remake of Shadow of the Colossus counts as a big announcement. It’s a great game but it has already had an HD version released.
This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?
I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way…
Recently, popular YouTuber Jon “JonTron” Jafari made some damn extreme comments about race, which set off a chain…
Nishina is love.
Pictured: Kooko22
Who am I kidding.. I’m alone in loving that lil Thunder Sage. :)
Gah Why is Takumi on there at all? Why do people like him? It’s like voting for the guy in Ghostbusters who wants to shut down the Ecto Containment Unit.
It definitely could be going better, more than half of those characters are from the two 3DS games. Fire Emblem existed before that, you know? It was actually better, too.
It’s like you people never played a FE game before the 3DS. Hector, Roy, Lyn, Ephraim, and Eirka were all better characters. And they had nicer looking art.
Meh, why are they voting for main characters! They would get included no matter what. Give me some Titania, Soren, Caineghis, Naesala or Taguel! Or some of the snipers, that would be cool!
Super Mario 64: Last Impact is the result of 4,000 hours of work by Kaze Emanuar, and it looks incredible.
Considering the Dr Slump games are a bunch of Game ‘n Watch clones, an obscure game on an obscure revision of the Coleco and a PC-6001 game that seems to be a shoot’em up, it seems pretty fair to say Arale’s iconic run movement is better showcased in the anime and manga than in video games.
I’m never gonna not be mad about Paper Mario. The original game is obe of my all time favorites and TTYD is one of those rare sequels that does almost everything better than the original.
Yeah, I love the Asterisk War ones. Although I *really* loved the Season 1 OP and ED (especially the ED, just a beautiful song).
I just cannot fathom the approval for Aiden, one of the worst-dressed video game characters of the decade.