Marmotte Desormiers Bourdeau

Look I’m a Quebec francophone and unwarranted cultural bashing aside I’m just as baffled with this law as anyone else. Some people have alluded to the notion in this comment section already, and I agree that the real goal here isn’t to defend the French language or whatever noble pretense the Legault government is

I see your point and I also see how my post could be construed as a slippery slope towards xenophobia and racism.

So if I understand this correctly, they signed some dude from Saudi Arabia, and we’re supposed to be surprised that said dude who grew up there has opinions reflective of his government’s policies?

There's a major problem with the way contract work functions across all tech industries, from IT to games to movies, so this is hardly surprising, if disappointing.

It was definitely one of the weaker entries in general, even if I still enjoyed it. Any semblance of game balance is throw out the window, though, and NIS clearly doesn’t have form of techical knowhow whatsoever when it comes to 3d.

Alpha pokemon seem to become more common once you’re ranked up and come back to an earlier area so that’s a good-ish way to get the buizel.

You can't just make a blurb about sea of stars without mentioning the composer.

I came here to make the same comment. Slow evolution is rough on all mons, but especially on Chomp who doesn't benefit from tankyness or range while leveling up.

While I appreciate that people are looking out for tbe children, the actual target audience, there’s something proponents of this argument often forget.

Well... they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

As we’ve well learned thus far, their creed is “There’s no kill like overkill".

Damn it feels good to be right.

How is the title not “Bidoof just doesn’t give a dam”?

Every entrybI'm scared it'll happen and here we are at last. Big disappointment.

I’m looking forward to this game a lot. Any word on multiplayer capacity?

I’m beyond impressed with this. It looks like this person understands thoroughly where sonic’s 3d potential lies.

Don't forget FE1's translation is also being pulled.

So the thing most people fail to realize is that a lot of aquatic creatures do, in fact, suck at swimming.

Both Desmesne and Gaol are older but still attested spellings of domain and jail, respectively. If anything I think the prose in this demo is phenomenal

Lots of typos in this one, you should go over it again.