Marmotte Desormiers Bourdeau

I just started playing it on Christmas. Absolutely wonderful game and I can’t get enough of it.

Very sorry for the potato quality, but I’m pretty proud of doing what Jiggs does best. Immediate gimps.

I agree generally on how perfect this little mode is. The temporary aspect of it feels like a crying shame.

I otherwise disagree with the spirits. They’ve done magical things with the set ups in there.

Knights in the nightmare I believe has you do that.

I guess Tales of Symphobia was the first game to come to mind. The duel between Lloyd and Kratos is pretty cool.

Man, Loris is an asshole.

While it’s a remake, the games are not identical. Many unique (and unbalanced) aspects of the original game give it a weird charm that was lost, plus the remake makes a bevy of odd balancing decisions, like allowing you to reclass units freely and forging weapons, which they’ve compensated with inflated enemy stats.

So actually Paimon isn’t the only being named after a Demon— in so far all the named archons’ true names are based on a Goetia demon.

Wind (anemo) is Barbatos
Earth (geo) is Morax

It hints at Paimon’s true nature, probably.

Here’s a fun tidbit.

Do you know WHY that pokemon was banned from online use?

Chatot has a unique move called Chatter, which is a flying type special move.
It’s a cool move that causes confusion and has pretty solid base power.

You can also use the DS’ mic to record what chatot says when using the move.

That led to exactly

It'll be the navi of the game that speaks on behalf of Link in the cutscenes

So just throwing out wild theories, but what if the timelimit is because the game will be moved to a gamepass-like service come end of March?

‘And some other guy' lol. Just Schreier doing his thing.

Damn it they keep refusing to make a proper rpg out of this series.

This is a bit of trivia from the competitive scenes I‘ve been a part of, but there seems to be a general consensus on the best nickname for Houndoom.

Quality Waiting for Godot reference.

You and Dalrint bring up good points.

You’re right. That’s why we’ve got plenty of digitally enabled tools that are all about offsetting these security risks. Let me put it this way : if your government’s employees can work from.home, so can your video game developers.

I’m not so sure. In North Ameeica at least people are expected to own a computer at home, whereas the same cannot be said in Japan. That’s a pretty big set back in implementing work from home policies.

This gives us insight into something I believe we tacitly knew without ever being told directly, but I guess workplaces in Japan, even the tech industries, are particularly behind on the digital infrastructures required to work from home.

He totally is though. He particularly cares about the music selection.

I've been waiting for such an update for a while now. I can't wait