
I shouldn’t say “Hitler,” because nobody’s ever supposed to say “Hitler,” but Hitler got started in the early 1930s with the support of only about 10% of the German people: and even as late as 1952, with the cities of Germany lying in ruins, with, as one bitter German general had put it, “a thousand years of German

Well, his conflicts of interest certainly give them a hold over him. He doesn’t dare rebel—they’ll tell him who to nominate to the court, what policies to promulgate, who to praise, who to slime—they’ll pretty much script his “presidency” for him down to the last detail, with Pence hanging over his head the whole

He looks terrified. Maybe somewhere in that dim primitive little brain there’s one tiny vestigial little mote of sanity telling him, Big boy, you’re so far up your own ass you may never climb back out again.

Yeah, they’ll deserve whatever happens to them, but the fifty-plus percent of us who voted for Hillary are going to go down with the ship along with the people who really deserve it. So, not time to gloat: time to fight. Get political. Don’t sink back into the usual torpor.

See: What’s The Matter With Kansas?

Who’s going to impeach him, these stinking Republican power freaks? Mitch McConnell sold whatever passes for a soul out of his wizened, corrupt little frame many long decades ago, and he’s one of the good ones.

Well, the national political press did the best it could for eight years to normalize the Republican Congress—obstructionism and nullification were reinvented as patriotic--even noble--stratagems that reflected the failure of the Obama White House to reach out to Senate Republicans (although I’m betting that if

Well, there’s one horse that not only left the stable but disappeared into the far horizon long ago.

Yeah, sure, okay: if one side does A, then the other side must do A. If one side deplores B, then the other side must deplore B. It’s symmetrical.

We’ve gone back one hundred years overnight, to the era of Red raids, mass deportation, domestic terror (especially in the Jim Crow South), legal segregation, legal discrimination by religious faith, gender, and sexuality, a bought-and-paid-for federal judiciary, corrupt pro-establishment news organizations, and the

Grannies across America have lived to see the grands and the great-grands stop smiling gently and tolerantly behind their backs when they talk about how it used to be, back in the day. ‘Back in the day’ turns out to be right here, right now, after all.

The whole real estate thing just scared the bejasus out of me. Imagine house-hunting with just you and this simmering sack of sadistic madness, alone together at some remote little dream house out in the South Carolina countryside.

I think this is a completely fair assessment. And anyhow his use of the Southernism “little girl” in this clearly fatherly way, in this deeply traumatic situation (obviously horrifying for the cops to see the unfathomable cruelty that had been inflicted on the victim--I know I’d need a whole lot of booze just to sleep

Oh, come off it. This is exhaustingly boring.

Oh well, James Comey, you great big beamish boy, you.

Well, in Trump World, the notion that there was an “assassination attempt” on Trump--and that he bounced back from it heroically and fearlessly-- is already set in stone, despite the fact that this whole event is what would ensue if a clusterfuck could impregnate a nothingburger.

Looks like Trump’s alt-right boys are having their usual sport. Little Nazi scum that they are.

Harping on this stuff is actually very clever of Trump’s allies. In our intensely sexist and woman-hating culture, it was the Republican attacks on Bill Clinton’s sexual adventures that actually saved Clinton from real political trouble back in the day, and boosted his approval ratings into the 60s.

I made the mistake of starting William Shirer’s classic, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, about four weeks ago. I thought I would learn something from history.

He does not do the old man beard thing well. At all.