
This is the Fox business model for gender. They’ve created a sort of Stepford Wives fantasy world in which the women are young, wasp-waisted, with huge boobs and big hair and skin that has been Botoxed and Restylaned into a kind of cream-like plastic without detail or features.

They can be shut down a lot fucking faster than you would imagine. These people are being exposed.

True that. Sigh.

I am told that this is the very kind of thing Trump’s supporters admire most about him--this, and his implicit approval of racial violence, the vicious negging of women, not to mention torture, nuclear bombs, political assassination, etc. They like the fact that the man is a rip-off artist, a thug, and a brute. They

I struggle with this. I think it’s simply the case that a lot of women are shaped by the ethos of the larger culture, and that ethos is profoundly anti-woman. I also think it’s why women who are Republican or conservative-identified (a fairly significant majority of older, married white women) are so deeply resentful

Poe’s Law abounds.

He has a reputation for being both vindictive and mobbed-up, a combination that tends to produce an easy affinity for extortion and crudity, a foolish level of fearlessness, and a quite remarkable lack of introspection.

All of them, Katie.

“The Clintons”? Oh, don’t do this. “The Clintons” are not running for president, any more than Donald Trump posed nude recumbent on a fur rug for a skeevy men’s magazine.

Thank you.

I don’t think the Republicans would actually have a problem with that, ergo, Mike Pence.

It’s right up there with “stop resisting!” which is something they sometimes scream at someone who is resisting, but a lot of times at someone who is already down on the ground, pinioned, immobilized, and thoroughly terrified. They scream it as they beat him bloody.

Just give in. You’re going to want to be really, really drunk well before the post-debate “analysis.”

I’m prepared for “Trump won by losing! Great night for Trump! He looked taller and more male than Hillary! He may not know his ass from a hole in a doughnut, and his answers tonight certainly proved it, but Hillary just looked like she knew way too much about the issues. America doesn’t like a know-it-all. Nobody

The troll template, per a comment somewhere online:

This is why kids run from cops in sheer terror. Which then allows these Trump supporters to sneer, “If they hadn’t run, they wouldn’t have been shot, so it’s their fault.”

When Time Warner took over they basically hustled him out of the place. CNN is Jeff Zucker plus Time Warner nowadays.

Republicans in North Carolina are simply elated about the death of Keith Scott and the ensuing protests. The state had been tilting back from red to purple, losing money because of the bathroom insanity, and becoming in general a national laughingstock (as all Republican states become, sooner or later, when anybody

If you could guarantee that everything Trump proposes would be imposed on them personally, his Republican base would scream bloody murder and head for the exits. They might actually rediscover (or, in most cases, discover) the Bill of Rights and the loftiest ideals of the founding fathers.

The story here is totally about CNN. We already know that Trump has gone out of his way to surround himself with fascistic, mendacious, white nationalist thugs, including, apparently, his own adult sons (we don’t know about Barron, yet).