
As a life long Seahawk fan, I feel you. You have no idea how much it kills me to respect Kaepernick.

Man, fuck the Seahawks. Why do they have to go and do shit like this that makes me, a life-long Niners fan, like them? Seriously, fuck them for doing the right thing and, like Lebron did yesterday (shit, was it only yesterday? It feels like weeks ago), make me abandon my preconceived hatred to respect them for taking

I support the Seahawks’ cause, but I question their decision to boycott the endzone this season.

Not a surprising statement from the Seahawks. Additionally, their head coach would like to add that he continues to question the pretense of some of the sacrifices made by the armed forces on his behalf.

I am not sorry to insult Richard Petty.

Someone else said it much better than I.

The only counterpoint worth saying, then, is simple and vulgar: Richard Petty, go fuck yourself.

You’re on Deadspin, motto: “Bears, Dongs, and Poop.” Don’t be acting all high-minded here.

They completely ruined my Pittsburgh Kneelers joke!

Among the people booing them were Bill Belichick, Robert Kraft and Tom Brady.

Around a dozen Patriots players took the knee. The crowd of racist Boston ingrates booed them.

Well, sure didn’t take too long for baseball player number two to take a knee

If you don’t understand why respecting the anthem is important to the people who are getting beers/in the bathroom during the anthem, I dunno what to tell you.

When Sharp Cheddar Stalin called the mothers of NFL players “bitches” in Huntsville, Ala., his hillbilly conservative