
Williams: “Yes, I requested this last year as well when I played in Carolina. Remember, I dyed my dreads pink?”

If only Shumate had been an unborn fetus, I’m sure she would have cared more about him.

In all seriousness, I love that to “baseball guys”, the difference between Acceptable Home Run Reaction and He Used The Leg Bone Of Hitler To Rape A Puppy is literally less than 3 seconds.

This comment is so incoherent. Who are you mad at? It’s like you threw your window open, and just started cursing at random passers by for something their neighbor’s cousin might have done. Second, no one asked you to read this site or comment on it, so take that pinko nonsense and stuff it up your ass sideways.

Did the rules of baseball change?
I thought hitting a home run was the opposite of being shitty at your job.
I thought losing by 9 runs means you’re being shitty at your job.
Maybe you’re defending people who are shitty at their jobs, because you’re one. Solidarity and all that.
Am I applying your “logic” correctly?

The three starters were right leftback Yonny Manzill, upper sideceiver Fronny Panziel, and designated wide end Jahnny Minziel.

It’s somewhere near the ear, right?

Troy Aikman will have something to say to that:

No love for Peyton? He made a great throw last Thursday that should be arriving any minute now.

Gee you mean instead of drafting that D Tackle from Texas that could’ve shored up one of The Colts main problems instead of letting him fall to The Patriots was a bad idea? You mean taking another WR in the first round instead of an offensive lineman wasn’t smart? Gee you’d think with decisions like these that the

[Andrew Luck steps into frame in a clean Colts jersey]

Grigson is doing so with the imprimatur of owner Jim Irsay

“When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that David Tyree was saving your sorry ass.”

*God’s voice booms down from the heavens*

Well, to be fair to Smith, it was loooong week at work, and Civilzation had been drinking heavily that night.

First Toke with Skip Jayliss and Stephen A. Spliff.

Watched this live last night. There was some “fuck you”s exchanged between the two when their timing got out of sequence.

I know the NFL rulebook is long and long-winded as fuck, but I did not expect to see the word “disconcert” in it. I interpret this to mean the inside linebackers can’t make eerie howling noises at the opposing center in the hope of making him shit all over himself and his quarterback’s hands.

Yet almost as quickly as the tapes and notes were found, they were destroyed, on Goodell’s orders: League executives stomped the tapes into pieces and shredded the papers inside a Gillette Stadium conference room.

by Herman Smelville