
They like their team so much that they've funded this foundation with enough money to make this purchase and pay those property taxes, on the notion that it will help keep the existing coach happy, without any hope for it yielding any return on investment and without it going to provide any real charitable value such

Pretty sure that's not how you do the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Matt Flynn: Pick me up dude!

"skill an athleticism"

Moreover, it isn't unique these gamers. The argument against Affirmative Action is based upon it's phantom victims (the white kid at the bottom of the yes pile who gets bumped). #notallmen is a strawman based on the false belief that feminism is blaming all men for bad deeds (missing the whole point). The whole

Nah, you can have immense respect for the work defense lawyers do and understand why zealous defense is crucial to the functioning of our legal system and still scoff at hack lawyers pushing out slut-shaming press releases for public relations purposes.

Usually you find McDonald's in the cop's pocket.

With the amount of drug suspensions at Texas football this year, you gotta think they had their own Buyers Club.

The nice thing is that McConaughey gets older, but the Texas players stay the same age.

Here's someone from ESPN who actually needs a 3 week Twitter suspension.

Per @JayGlazer, refs say Colin Kaepernick dropped the N-word on the field last week. Kaepernick denying it, saying he found it there.

Gonna be a lot of people in Baltimore with Joe Flacco jerseys tomorrow.

Jesus, Deadspin. If you're going to fuck over Jeter to this degree, the least you could do is give him the gift basket.

When did we become a nation that just didn't give a shit about science?

I can't really fault Steve for thinking this way. It's just in his nature. It would be more obvious, but his family shortened their last name when they came to America because the locals had trouble pronouncing Patyourselfonthebackerson.

When Elisabeth Fucking Hasselbeck is the voice of reason you know you've said something really stupid.

By the unwritten rules of baseball, the next time Mo'Ne pitches against Eric Bolling, she is required to plunk him. Maybe I'm starting to come around on these unwritten rules after all.

They could do this whole talking to actual Native people, but I suggest they check out this super informative website:

I find it curious that Joe is reluctant to change a name for sake of convenience since he was willing to change the pronunciation of his own last name while in college so that it would rhyme with Heisman.

Whoa whoa there. You've been posting quite a bit, and your comments are all of the hostile variety. Now, lets take a step back to a place BEFORE you did all that jumping to conclusions about what I said, before you unjustifiably declaired me "smugly superior" for asking a simple, innocent question based upon your