
I don’t think that spectacular car crash was what Mike had in mind. He had a real “well crap” look on his face right after he realized the results of his shot.  I think he was trying to take out the driver, but instead probably hit the front tire. Shooting at a moving target is not easy.

After five seasons of Kim owning about 1/3 of the show, can we stop fantasizing that she is simply a naive, agency-free fridge corpse, there to make Jimmy so sad that he hardly changes at all between now and BB?

In case anyone’s wondering, $7M in 100 dollar bills weighs between 150 and 175 pounds.

Jimmys Ladder

Mike does dance on the edge of “Mary Sue” territory sometimes, and the number of bullet/knife wounds he has “shrugged off” in BB and BCS makes that worse, but I think this episode does a fine job of demonstrating that Mike knows his limitations (“I can’t carry this money myself”).

The problem is that Johnathan Banks is

I initially thought Kim might be driving out into the desert to find him, then when I realized it was the same vehicle from before I figured Mike would shoot the driver so they could drive out in that car. Instead they didn’t even manage to get any water.

And he failed at what he was actually trying to do, which is to take out the bandit so they could steal his truck and his water. Flipping the car instead might’ve looked badass, but it was completely counterproductive.

It's not unbelievable. Mike's got military history and years of being a cop behind him.

The kicker: after all of Jimmy’s whining, and posturing, and bag-dragging bullshit, it’s Mike who fucks up the Hail Mary. And he knows it. Those few seconds of Banks sobbing after that second shot flipped the truck are golden.

The Saul wave to pass was truly laugh-out-loud funny.

I really, really hope not. The show can be dark at times but I think it would be a little bit idiosyncratic with the overall tone of the show and with Saul Goodman’s overall persona in Breaking Bad. Then again, this is the best show on TV and one of the reasons it is (imho) better than Breaking Bad is that it has been

I’m disappointed they took Debbie in this direction, because we won’t get to see any more of her. She was a great addition to the cast. Her backstory from Manhunt would have been a more interesting thing to focus on for an episode, IMO.

My question is, if you only care about gameplay, why does it matter what takes place in the stories to you? Clearly, you’re only here for the mechanical part, right? You can skip most cutscenes and go straight to the game nowadays!

....unless what you really meant to say, was putting effort into storytelling only rubs

As a 30-something straight dude, I never thought I would relate to the experiences of a bi-curious teenage prep-school girl, but damn if I didn’t love Life is Strange. Video games are a great way to experience things you never would in real life and...just maybe...consider that people who appear very different from

Did they remotely disable the version you bought 6 years ago? That is fucked up.

I mean, I think your criticism is fair, but at the same time, Canada hadn’t scored a goal against USA in 12 years, so it’s not like the mentality comes from nowhere. 

But c’mon, this is Canada.

And just to rub it in, Team Canada celebrated both of their goals in a manner consistent with the stated values of not rubbing it in against an overmatched opponent.  

I love your dry, clean sense of humor.

Not being familiar with “permanent press” is what got him into this mess to begin with!