
I like my steak done medium but I’ve often been at the table with the competing “just pass the steak by the oven on the way out of the kitchen” assholes (my brother, the chef, included). Congratulations on being SO EXTREME and MASCULINE that you eat meat RAW, but the rest of us would like some flavor in our food,

A chef is not a bridge engineer. If you disagree with them (aside from issues of basic food safety), no one will die. Now, if you order a well done steak then complain that the steak is bad because of properties it gained due to being well done in the first place, then you’re a jerk.

Ehh... Some things are simply a matter of preference though. In those cases, no amount of “knowledge and expertise” can inform someone on what a stranger’s tastes will be. In this case of a steak, you can say objectively that a well done steak will be less flavorful, but some people are more concerned with texture

Oh, for dog’s sake. If somebody enjoys a well-done steak, just let them enjoy their well done steak. How exactly are they harming you? I swear, steak fanatics are worse than vegans when it comes to food snobbery.

Howard is far more complex than we the viewing audience were lead to believe in the first two seasons. I just queued up the season 3 finale Lantern and the way Howard handles Chuck in the opening scene . . . it’s half fancy restaurant maitre d’ and half Michael Corleone. It was a check-mate moment.

After Jimmy puts down the phone, you can hear that the obituary continues to say that he’s survived by his ex-wife and his brother Jimmy, who is “following in his footsteps as an attorney”

It DOES mean something — it means that Jimmy-Saul-Gene is living a life of extreme paranoia, and constantly in fear that people might be after him. The consequences of that fear will indeed grow into the endgame for the character on a thematic level, but not necessarily a plot one.

I think Saul got away clean.

Howard isn’t perfect, but at his core he’s a good man. To even tell Jimmy and Kim that he thought he was responsible for Chuck’s possible suicide, takes a lot of courage. Then Jimmy just casually tells him it’s his cross to bear. Cold-bloodied.

The tension in that cold opening was THICK. It was a work of art in itself.

If Trebek retires who will over pronounce foreign words? Who will give the answer in the most condescending way possible as if he knew it the whole time? I say get a comedian who will really tear into people. They’ll probably get that guy that won all that money that one time who’s name escapes me at the moment.

There were times you could tell, just from the headline, that it was O’Neal and it was going to be good.

Gary Bettman is a heel and he knows it, and plays the role well.

I find this article available.

626 comments. Remember when that was a thing?

Good lord, yes. The economic upswing can probably be traced to Sean no longer pumping out Newswires to distract us braindead slobs from working.

*Sean is about to board train, but stops to give note to commentariat*


That’s damn incisive reading of Glickman’s few short words.

As an adult re-reading all of these, I always thought that Linus was the friend that Charlie Brown could be an adult with but Franklin was the friend he could just be a kid with. Franklin helped turn Charlie Brown into a more well-rounded character just by letting him be a kid.