
This is subjective of course, but when you combine the quality of vehicles and the size of the company, it is easy to argue that Toyota knows what it is doing more than anyone else. (VW and Stellantis larger, but come on...quality?). Yet, when Toyota says this exact thing about hybrids, everyone is like ‘Toytoa


We can’t consume our way out of a problem. Modern hybrids are cleaner and more efficient than they’ve ever been, and are a perfectly acceptable stopgap while the EV infrastructure improves and prices come down, which is when you’ll start to see mass adoption. 

I’m perfectly setup for having an EV. I don’t do that many long trips anymore and I have a garage with a TON of available power from a HVAC system upgrade that left me with an unused 40A 220V breaker.

First Gear: I don’t know about anyone else, but for me it’s the math. I’ve run all the figures and based on my average driving, I would be paying significantly more to have an EV that’s a similar size and capability of my current ICE. I could probably get it closer cost wise, but why should I pay more for less? 

First gear: There are legitimate reasons why EVs don’t work for certain use cases, but the main reason why places like California have adopted EVs at many multiples of other states is that EVs have become front and center in the culture wars. Instead of a machine, EVs have become a symbol of latte-sipping liberals

Americans who have made the shift to electric vehicles so far tend to be richer, younger and more likely to live in urban areas than the average person, research shows. Many reported being motivated by environmental concerns, and some by interest in the latest, cutting-edge technology.

1st Gear: Among the many issues impeding BEV adoption in the US (and elsewhere?), one that I have not seen much reporting on is the cost of repairs for these vehicles. While I will grant you that EVs don’t need oil changes as frequently as ICE vehicles, what happens when you drive over a pothole or get into a fender

What a tie up and lost OEM and losing EV maker, what could go wrong here? 

As a Boomer that grew up on 60's Beach Boys but favored Jan & Dean, I don’t wear jeans shorts and the line Montserrat Mystique in Kokomo sounds more like “mounds of rotten steak”.  I do like it, but would not write that check.

This has got to be the most boomer of boomer cars ever featured on this site. Its in Phoenix too- a place boomers love to retire to. I’d bet hard cash the owner probably wears one of those tacky Hawaiian shirts with old cars on it, loves Jimmy Buffet, and all other things that boomer dudes stereotypically do.

I would lol. They’ve shown their reliability already in Europe and China.

Will anyone in the US actually buy a Chinese vehicle? I know I surely wouldn’t. Affordable or otherwise, I just don’t know who’d roll the dice. Of course, they said the same about the Korean automakers 25-30 years ago.

While I firmly believe that corporate executive pay is WAY WAY TOO HIGH, they don’t really get paid like normies. They’re getting tons of stock options, the value of which depend on the company’s performance. They’re also given in batches, over a period of years. So they’re getting “paid” now for options they earned

The fact that I can’t figure out what it is called is an illustration to my issue.

As someone who daily drives an 80’s car I understand the yearning for simple, economical and reliable cars… Cars are too complex and expensive now. From a practical point of view I know there probably is no going back in the US market. The roads are dominated by very, VERY large vehicles that have high output engines,

The seller is certainly in the ballpark for what he’s asking:

ND - the mathing simply doesn’t work, on this one. It’s a 57 year old Fiat with “just” 45,000 miles that recently needed (another?) $18,000 to be/remain “roadworthy”. For $53,500 there are far better ways to either do Cars and Coffee or to have a unique daily driver.

One way Ford is working to fix quality issues, Farley said, is by tying employee bonuses to improved score”

Our 2018 Ford Expedition transmission grenaded itself at 70k miles. It sat in a shop for 3 MONTHS while the techs had to go through an approved repair process directly from Ford. They and I both knew it needed a completely new transmission but corporate demanded they follow the instructions of an engineer who walked