
Ugly still doesn’t sell. Never has, never will.

Although the technology for robotaxis will eventually get there, the business case won’t ever amount to much. Taxes will be added, liability insurance will be too high, and servicing and charging the vehicles will cost too much. A niche market at best.

To tariff or not to tariff, that is the question. On the one hand, we protect some American jobs, on the other hand, we keep a large segment of the population unable to make the transition to clean vehicles. One would think those who believe in climate change would oppose any tariffs.

Maybe instead of tariffs on all Chinese EV’s, we should just have tariffs on all Chinese EV’s that exceed a $30,000 MSRP. That way the average working guy will be able to afford one and the domestic manufacturers’ will still be protected. That would be a win for America and a win for the environment. 

You really hit the nail on the head on that one. It’s been that way for quite a while. Thanks for sharing.

I am really hoping American car companies, other than Tesla, can figure out how to make compelling BEV’s before they run out of money.

Stellantis will go broke because they don’t make compelling cars. I don’t think the US government will bail them out this time.

Yes, thank you.

I would say Elon Musk has done more than anyone on this planet to help expedite the switch to non-carbon burning electric vehicles. Everyone else is just playing catch up. You would think those who think there is a climate crisis would put aside their political differences and embrace what he’s doing.

Most of us, me included, have no idea what DEI really means. But we all like to comment about it.

The more I see car companies switching to hybrids, the more it proves Toyota was right all along.

If you don’t quite trust the technology, leasing is the way to go. If we want to get serious about this ICE to EV transition, we should eliminate all tariffs on Chinese EV’s

One thing is for sure, car companies are betting their whole future on this monumental change in the car market. There will be winners and losers.

It’s time for the government to stop subsidizing EV’s. The technology can stand on its own now. Repeal all tariffs that limit affordable Chinese EV’s and batteries, then watch what happens. Time for those people that think we have a climate crisis to get serious.

Too bad, so sad. Get it down to the low 50k’s and it has a chance.

Wow! I never thought of it that way, good point.

Here’s the conundrum, if climate change is so important do we let Chinese EV’s into the US tariff free, or do we protect domestic manufacturers from cheaper imports? Same with solar panels, and batteries. Why not let the Chinese subsidize our clean energy transition?

That would be about 10.25% sales tax (depending on which county, city) + $100 to $200 yearly registration fee.

It’s pure folly to give people rich enough to spend $50,000 on a car $7,500 of taxpayer money. We should end all subsidies (yes, oil too), end all tariffs, and allow Chinese EV’s in our market.

I usually don’t say NP to older German cars, but that’s too nice to pass up. Better have good mechanical skills though. NP