F-16. What a great fighter plane that one is. Oh, this isn’t Planeopolik? Never mind.
F-16. What a great fighter plane that one is. Oh, this isn’t Planeopolik? Never mind.
They are old small trucks, mainly Toyotas, some Rangers, S-10's, and a few Mitsubishi’s, and Nissan’s. None of these vehicles rust and parts are still widely available. They are widely preferred by gardeners and pool guys.
I replaced my 40k mile Tempo p.o.s. with a Toyota drivetrain ‘88 Chevy Nova and put 318,000 miles on it with no major repairs. It still had life left in it when I gave it away.
You got that right. Tesla has made very little profit on actually making cars, rather they get millions of $$$ in carbon credits and most of their vehicles came with a $7,500 credit from uncle Sam. Someday the playing field will be even and Tesla will be at the mercy of their shareholders too.
Our first new car an 84 Ford Tempo with the slogan ‘The quality goes in before the name goes on’ had three transmission jobs in the first 36,000 miles, other troubles too numerous to mention. Got rid of that and got a Toyota built Chevy Nova that we put 311,000 miles on without any major repairs. Why anyone would buy…
A discussion about turn signals? Really? I think Jason needs to get a life.
1st gear- Erik wants to see Peugot back in America? There’s a reason they aren’t here anymore. They make funny looking cars that no one wants, and besides no one knows how to spell ‘Pujoe’. Maybe we’ll get a Stellantis, at least I can spell that one.
Taco still winning makes sense to me. You get a quality built truck that’s almost indestructible, and it holds it’s value. Now if someone could just come here with a bare bones small pickup for the rest of us schmucks they could sell a ton of those too. Hi-Lux?
Ram 1500
That was a good article explaining the actual cost of being a driver. I always wondered. Although you actually made more than $-250 (your taxable amount).
Ford Mustangs from the 1970's. They were bloated and heavy, had poor visibility and sucked gas like there was no tomorrow. They went fast in a straight line but didn’t corner very well. We won’t mention the Mustang II because that was never beloved by anyone.
Why is it Erik always feels the need to throw political commentary in his articles? One would think his editors would remind him that Jalopnik is about cars, not politics. By throwing in political comments Erik diminishes readers perception of his professionalism.
well said
Any Honda or Toyota, definite yes.
Winter tires? What are those? No need for those in most parts of California. One of the many benefits of climate change that no one is talking about is that people in Detroit and that region will never need winter tires again. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could throw away your snow shovel ( something I never saw until I…
You got that right
Electric vehicles will certainly have their place, but they won’t be predominant anytime soon. Here in California we can’t even keep the power on during a windy or hot day. I should mention too that the Grid is not being upgraded fast enough to keep up with demand. The environmentalists here will sing and shout the…