
John Barrowman could pull it off.

Having him fall into a vat of acid and become Darth Joker, on the other hand…Hey, he's a better Joker than he ever was a Luke!

From what I have heard, putting Hannibal on Yahoo Screen is enough to drive even its hardcore fanbase into, well, vegetarianism.

Yeah, really the entire Episode One could have ended in the first ten minutes if Qui-Gon responded to Watto's 'Jedi Tricks don't work on me, only money'
With something like 'How about a lightsaber up the ass, you filthy slaver' (SNAPHISSLASHARRRGH)

So basically, the above article, but replace Return of the Jedi with the Mass Effect ending, because gamers who really loved the series complained more bitterly about that than anything Sarkeesian said about a game or series.

"Feminism doesn't simply mean women getting to partake in typical badass "guy stuff". Does that mean that the YPG are not feminist figures? Isn't that kind of………demeaning to Kurdish women?

David Brin made him a major villain in Earth or Existence, I forget which.

Most of the good Mel Gibson movies, like Lethal Weapon, he plays insane people prone to hair-trigger violence. Who knew the man was so Method?

Major, major minus points for the ending - Medical Robot that never got that OB-GYN upgrade and the Big NOOOOO!

Balfour's run on SyFy's "Haven" has been a respectable 5 seasons, and going on a 6th (which would appear to be the last from the setup at the end of 5). I'm a bit of a fan as he's a dead ringer for my brother-in-law.

Star Wars has fantasy weapons, easy faster-than-light travel, self-aware robots…and sub-19th Century Medical Science, apparently. No surprise, given how the existence of the Force has very likely led medical science of the time towards the fruitless fallacy of vitalism.

He's definitely smart, and comes off moreso because of his interest in issues outside the US. I'm sure speaking six or seven languages is great for the vocabulary.

There are special circumstances. Her friend Joanna Lumley often claims the honor of Bond Girl, and I don't think she sleeps with Lazenby in OHMSS. Olga Kurylenko is very much a Bond Girl and doesn't sleep with Daniel Craig.

I kind of loved that for 'Coven', because it felt like one of the 'Mage:The Ascension' games I ran in the late 90s.

Batgirl rule: Crippling a long-running but utterly boring character gives her loads more character and awesome.

Fuller seems to share Mads' view of Hannibal as essentially Satan, although in season one he still seemed to see the characterization as metaphorical.

Unlike the show's murderers, who must have teleportation powers to manage setting up such fancy death scenes without being arrsted,

The show sounds like that might be the entire cast. I'm thinking something like Root from Person of Interest running a team of Abby (NCIS) Garcia (Criminal Minds), Felicity (Arrow), and Michelle Borth's character on Hawaii Five-0,

I think it was always three, because Minbari worship the number three, but they never really talked about the third caste.

Yeah, the moment they mention that weapons system, I wondered why they used a trained martial artist, and not, say, a monkey on crystal meth.