
Check out the Inkubus Sukkubus cover. I've begun to love that version more than the original or any of the Laibach versions.

And DS9 in particular was almost the opposite of B5, with the main character coming to accept his role as the representative and agent of transcendent powers.

I think DC themselves kind of felt they needed to move away from that. Since around the eighties, when he became Nightwing, Dick Grayson has gotten pretty much all the (het) sex.

I think they have witnessed dolphins doing pretty close to that, to porpoises. I think maybe they consider porpoises an insult to their species.

I think all he had might have been leftover Bev, so…no testicles.
I will note the official food blog uses far more prosaic ingredients, that you can get at your local store.

When the character originally came out, I'm reasonably sure she was based on CCH Pounder, whom IIRC was in X-Files and Millennium at the time, or maybe Dark Oprah.

Given how the episode titles are both dishes in a multi-course meal and mirror the story of the episode itself I'd say it would be rather difficult to shove a filler plot in after the fact.

I think all serial killers who don't have middle names should be given the middle name Wayne. It's an amazingly common middle name for serial killers.

Oh, god! That's why I loved it! I saw it first-run on what was at the time the biggest movie screen on Oahu, and the (many) scenes with blinding, overwhelming WHITE were painful and wonderful.

I'm putting it down to Hannibal getting desperate and resorting to blatant magic. (Explain: in the RPG Mage:The Ascension, magicians are able to get away with subtle effects that don't stretch disbelief too much, such as coincidental sewer pipe explosions or happening to have a camera hidden somewhere, but if they

Yeah. I'm going with White Wolf's Mage:The Ascension rules. (Human Tree: Life 3 or 4; putting human tree in the middle of a parking lot: Correspondence 3/Life 3; Time 3 or 4 explains Lecter's extremely overfilled appointment book)

It was obviously all according to plan: to get Will out of lockup and where he can kill/mess with him. Gideon appears to have been very purposefully putting himself into hospital — after Chilton warns him about the guards being angry about the nurse he killed, he pokes them until he gets back-breakered off the

Noomi Rapace could be an only slightly crazier Lisbeth Salander and she'd make a good killer of the week! As the GOOD GUY she burned people alive!

Given Dillahunt's usual roles, it's a no-brainer we'll see him on Hannibal SOMETIME. But I really like the idea of gender-swapping Dolarhyde; a female 'Red Dragon' would be pretty awesome!

There was a British TV-movie "The Psychopath Next Door" starring Anna Friel as a psychopath and she was very good in it. She'd make a great killer.

There's an obvious difference in that "Dexter" wanted viewers to understand Dexter and learn how he thinks and what he's like. "Hannibal" very, very pointedly does not — if that is even possible. He always seems to have two or three motivations and agendas running simultaneously.

Chesapeake Ripper. Who is Hannibal.
Beverly was a sex-swapped character from Red Dragon; who says she doesn't have a brother who becomes a CSI by the time the Red Dragon case comes around?

I don't see any situation where Bev would hold what she knows over Lecter instead of immediately telling the proper authorities/Jack. Blackmailing a serial killer is pretty damn evil: you're letting more people get killed for some temporary advantage.

"I would never do that. I have too much respect for the food." (H to Tobias)

Actually, Abigail Hobbs clearly recognized the taste when she was at dinner. Her father used the same recipe book, after all. You need to watch the scene kind of closely though.