
No article on Father’s Day?

Great fiction writing. You're very intelligent and talented . Keep up great work. Congratulations !

Get your panties out of your crack..I’ve cared for her lovingly for 16 years ..and yes she is guilty. I love her, but the woman was sadistic and brutal, physically and emotionally and no, I never quite recovered, I just learned to live with certain kinds of permanent damage.

I’m Marks mother .

Mark, I understand now why you blocked me from everywhere - it is easy to manipulate your readers knowing that I will not be able to respond in my “ heavy English” because I have no access to your

Also, I have no guilt because I have never felt that there is an ‘ideal’ parent. As a parent we just do the best we can... and then I see that some expect perfection and get all butt hurt when their idea of perfection isn’t met. It’s Special Snowflake Syndrome. Get over it and get over yourself. Your parents are

Because it’s your mother’s fault that you went into a career that you don’t love? Are you not an independent person? And if not, this is your mother’s fault? Ok.

OH oh oh! ‘I didn’t ask to be born so how dare you ask anything of me, like actually being a human being! You asshole, mum!’

GAh. I’ve made a burner account so I can respond to the waves of self-pituing daughters out there who think their mothers, by dint of being as fucked up as the rest of us, somehow failed.

You’re not closer because you act like you deserve perfection in your parents. You spend all this time making excuses for not being perfect yourself but when it comes to your parents how dare they be human and fallible and just generally not able to provide you with the perfect life that doesn’t make you, special