
No article on Father’s Day?

Great fiction writing. You're very intelligent and talented . Keep up great work. Congratulations !

Omg, you dreamed to kill your mother ? And you 63? and she still guilty in your life?

It is just funny- “you didn’t get mother you deserve”

I’m Marks mother .

Mark, I understand now why you blocked me from everywhere - it is easy to manipulate your readers knowing that I will not be able to respond in my “ heavy English” because I have no access to your

Don't judge ...

Thank you . Agree with you . Everybody has to be perfect :-)start from yourself. Idiocracy8, respect

What a shame to write it about mother ...

Как не стыдно врать и выставлять на позор свою мать . У мамы Аллена нет акцента? Спасибо сынок. Ты тоже “ на похоронах плакал больше всех”? Кого ты мне напоминаешь? Ты ищешь Лориного отца, который украл деньги у людей , и позоришь мать , которая в жизни не обманула и не украла...

Thank you .