Kevin, you get free atBat app with mlb.TV... Not sure if that changed with new deal. Home & away radio broadcasts that I could usually get to sync with TV if Joe Buck was calling the game.
No. Stop it. Bad.
Maybe the Pats should spend less time on arcane drop-kicks in practice and more time calling the coin toss... You mad bro?
Weed needs to be legalized before state legislators start wasting time on fantasy sports.
The flag is a butthole! Whoopee!
Where’s the “-1” button?
Am I missing something? A rich guy wrote an open letter to his newborn... about doing some nice things with his money.
Agreed. People often retire to college towns for the convenience of social, medical and cultural centers & services.
Shit... How long has it been since you were a teenager?
Teams need to hire these kids babysitters (i.e. Dez Bryant).
I think you hit it on the head.
I wish they would relocate the Jags to London already and stop taking home games from teams with an actual fan base.